Who is sorry they had an abortion and why. I am trying to support other people beside your answers.?

please don't waste my time next to hateful tirades against abortion, this is research for population who are in torment or considering abortion, so please unless you have have an abortion do not answer this.


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My mother had three abortions and I be about to become her fourth one. There hasn't be a day that she hasn't regretted her abortions and she tell me always how grateful she is that she have kept me. I support the right to abortions but it should not be abused. I live in a country be abortions is the first method of contraception. Can you believe that? I am 30 years old and my mother have been regretting her decision for over 30 years. How can that be fair to her?

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I merely want to understand why your grill is so one-sided. Most women who hold abortions are not in aching or sorry. It was only the right thing for them at the time. Many would choose to hold their babies if circumstances were different.

What you DO want to do is to serve them make the finding based on their long permanent status outlook rather than the on the spot. Some women are in a impossible situation that they can escape from, some are in a desperate situation that they can't escape from (rural poverty is an example). Some are being pressured by family connections members which may be divergent what they want. Some are mentally ill or hold mental illness surrounded by their family-abortion may not be what they want to choose, but it may be the best thing (in other words, they would to some extent have a child that didn't own their mental illness a bit than put a child through the same dull pain they have experienced). Others didn't want any more children-they own enough- and their method of birth control failed.

Given the change in the court system, some women choose not to own their child because they do not want to deal next to the ex-lover for 18 years as is often the satchel today. For instance, my state is now in recent times as likely to award physical custody of the child over 5 to the father as the mother. That is the approach laws will walk in the adjectives.

Your research should also include a review of the reasons stated for abortions for your region. Most states hold that information on their websites (there are often multiple reasons). Further, what give a hand is actually available if the woman requests to keep her child? It is not true that near is lots of help--particularly if you were a full-time worker. That is also recurrently a driving force.

Finally, there is adoption. Many women are lied to and don't swot up their legal rights or support available for them, until after surrender. They afterwards have to shift into debt to hire a lawyer to grasp their child back. Women who supply up their children are treated worse by family, friends and community. Every time she hear of an adopted child man abused or murdered by their adoptive parents or relative, she wonders if that was her child.

Still hunch them?

who the hell is in strain about an aborition.. I dont be aware of sry for anyone that has an aborition my mom have one then she be about to hold one on me but look what i turned into to be A F*UCKING LIVING HUMAN. If you dont want to have a child why F*UCK?? Its not the childs culpability they couldnt keep in that pants up!

Where is my peehole?

Good luck getting valid answers, I asked a question just about abortion and just get pro life rant.

I don't regret mine exactly, you do what you have to do at the time. I regret, but I don't at matching time. Ah, I just contradicted myself. its a complex entry for some people, and so simple for others.

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