Sexually Active?

Is having sex at the age of 15 too youthful to start? I have have sex with two girls although I've one safe just about it with condoms and spermicide.

For those who lift the pill, when do you take your pill?

I give attention to if you feel grown enough you consequently you are ready. Nothing can really prepare you for what type of "activity" your something like to embark upon.
I'm please to read that you are safe. That shows a huge later life level you enjoy in demand to be sexually active.
Being sexually alive is a huge responsibility and its not a joke. People are playing Russian roulette every time they enjoy sex and don't wear a rubber. Your life is on the smudge. Smart choice by protecting yourself.

Should i be worried?!! well later sunday me and my bf were fooling around and he rubbed his penius against my?


I am ALWAYS tired, what is wrong near me?

15...O_O...yes too young. im sorry but you better pay attention w/ those girls. there are accident and 14-15 yr old girls become ruins their entire lives forever

I enjoy never had an orgasum.?

i feel it is, but i know many guys who hold lost it when they were 13, so i really feel it's all up to you.

Another Orgasm Q?

Yes it is too youthful, but I applaud you for using condoms. However, condoms do not protect against an STD called HPV. In lingo of other STDs and pregnancy, a condom does not offer 100% protection.

The big grill is are you in a relationship near a girl, or are you just have casual sex beside people. Casual sex is not a devout idea at any age. And, emotionally, totally young general public have a sturdy time handling sexual relationships.

I have my period nearly every day,what can i do?

No, it's not too young-looking to start...if you're not too young to be someone's daddy! Condoms do break. Just hang around, sex isn't going anywhere.

Period question!!?

Yes, explicitly too young but it doesn't stop the youngsters from doing it so at tiniest you're being not dangerous about it but remember that condoms do break/ opening. So you should probably wait until the girl is hoary enough to procure on birth control in command to take extra precautions unless you want to be a infantile parent. Good luck!!

Which hair is susposed to be shaved and which nots?

yes it is

Helpppp girlsss :D?

I expect it is way to babyish!!

Ladies and doctors please answer me this!?

Call me old vogue, but sex should only remain between man and wife. I know that's weak fashion within today's world.

That being said - If you want to play similar to a man than be prepare to be a DAD if the method of birth control that you are using fails and don't run away and put away like a kid.

Question more or less D&C?

I personally conjecture 15 is too young to start because at 15 we humans don't realize the decision that we make could mar us forever. sure at 15 life seem great, you don't have any bills or chief responsibilities...and you can easily plunge in love beside a schoolmate or a friend, but think give or take a few the rest of your will come upon new family in college, and within graduate school, surrounded by new job, at a party, at weddings...15 is a moment ago too young to wish is someone is special enough to hold sex with. It is worthy that you are using safe things to own sex, but anything could happen...I vote wait until you are a youthful adult to product the decision, and trademark sure it is with someone special. both partner need to be tested. here are too many unwanted pregnancies and an alarming rate of diseases going around, general public won't even know they have the diseases and spread it to others, and specifically the saddest news. I vote wait, savour life, stir read a book and stay in arts school...nothing wrong next to just friends, it is much better that mode.

Vaginal smell?

Your 15?! please, join a sport instead. Get busy beside activities. Your too infantile to die, you dont want aids, std's, ect. Wait til your a bit older.

Swimming near light spell?

Yes, 15 is too young. You may consistency ready, and its obedient that you're being sheltered, but there are deeply of other things to be concerned about.
You should hold sex when you're more mature (physically, emotionally, and mentally) and merely with someone you really love and exactness about.

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