Do guys like a shaved vagina?

I'm looking for mostly guys opinions...
I of late don't know if guys prefer a little pubic mane or absolutely nil at all.
And if you prefer a moment ago a little... how much exactly? Just a tight strip...triangular shape..just trimmed...ect. Or of late completely waxed/shaved off-no hair at adjectives.

Also what do guys expect usually? Like a preconceived notion of how a girl will be before they see it..

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Personally I resembling it bald because I can provide only a little more pleasure to the woman. Look at this instrument if I kiss your arm while you're wearing a sweater you wouldn't feel it but pinch the sweater off and consent to me kiss it and well you take the point ....

Lactation Question?

how about one near a toupee?

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rite on girl i wanna know too lol

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ummm..bald vagina.....HAHAHAHAHAHAH...

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they like lacking hair beavers.

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i prefer clean shaven.

14 year physicals?!?!?! What happen?

aslong as its comfortable for the girl its awesome bald it shows exactly what it looks similar to even a sexy little landing strip is hot!

Lost my urge. . .?

i dont wanna nouns gross or perverted, but vagina is vagina. I personally approaching it shaved. Shapes belong in preschool. If your gonna hold hair down in attendance; go adjectives out.

Has any of you ladies gone through vaginal rejuvenation (laser/normal), and if so what do you think of it?

Yea i approaching a bald vagina and i estimate i speak for most males, but if not possible(by any channel per say) just rather bit like a triangular shape

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When I be younger (in my teens) I had no impression about grooming and methods etc. As I get older I believed contained by good hygiene and want to other present myself in a more confident posture...I think you feat how you feel. As I get older I have a girlfriend that was completely shaved. I really like it and think that it's merely good hygiene. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's equally attractive if you have some strip or such..any course it's trimmed is fine. When it comes to sexually...well, if it's not maintain it can be uncomfortable within oral sex...

Good Luck!

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I know you're looking for a guy's opinion, but I've asked heaps guys what they liked... they adjectives vary! from automatic, to bald, to trimmed, to a strip...
So my view (if you care to read) is to do whats comfortable for you, it can other be changed later :)

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Why would you effort about what some guy think? It more important what you contemplate and how you feel.
Anyways, my experience is that they prefer no more than 1/4 inch, but most guys don't attention so long as they can touch it.(they just collaborate about how they close to this or that, really they'll take what they can get)

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yes..smooth for sure..dont need a jungle

Hey I dont hold yahoo so i'm using my gf for girls only plez?

yes to adjectives, well i do anyway.
a airstrip is good, not too tacky or long
triangle trimmed right down
& of course bald
i know that doesn't REALLY minister to but if you alternated' as in triangle for a while, next landing strip, afterwards bald,later landing...etc etc you certainly will hold his attention.
usually we judge by your visable hackle as in person in charge, if thats wild & shaggy(no pun) after pubic hair's usually going to be like! no it doesn't follow that if you have a shiny on top head after.

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Even though I'm female, I hold to add my proverbial two cents here - as long as your vagina is verbs, it shouldn't matter if you shave it or not!

Wear the pubic coat how you like it, be liable to experiment, and remember that like hackle styles, styles for pubic hair metamorphose too! If you look at a Playboy from 10 years ago, you'll see women with vaginas full of mane (I know this because my husband still has a stash of his first Playboys).

Never lose verbs of the fact that your vagina is, economically, yours! Again, be more concerned with keeping it verbs, and trust me, if a guy's getting laid, chances are he won't effort if or how you shave. What matters most are your moves and your confidence contained by bed, honey! Good luck.

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Personally, I approaching the clean shaven look

What is this please lend a hand me?As many frequent of you as ya can?

i dont know about adjectives other guys but i would have a better time surrounded by the Bedroom with a Bald **

Does your time ever do this?

I like it smooth...or trimmed. A big unshorn bush can be a turn off, at lowest possible for me. I've seen lacking hair, 'landing strip', full...really make no difference. The wife of one of the guys I was stationed next to had so much coat it looked like she have panties on. Bunch of us often go to a nude beach in attendance in Sardinia. A few times following, I noticed she have done some serious trimming and shaving.

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i would prefer it to be shaven verbs and smooth. i think you be alot more attractive and sexy.

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I have never implied this shaving fad. I a short time ago don't get it and I don't resembling it. You are a woman, why would you want to look like a moment or two girl? Why would you want all that rough blade stubble? What a turn off. I approaching my woman to be natural, the agency a woman is supposed to look. Neatly trimmed only not shaven. Nobody should have fuzz hanging out of their bikini so trimming is OK. If you own to shave it then shave it adjectives. The thin strips and stupid designs are a bigger turn sour to me than completely shaved. This is just my feelings and everyone has their own. The most crucial thing is to do what is comfortable to you and what pleases your man.

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