Lost my urge. . .?

Since I had my daughter almost 4 years ago, I haven't have the urge for sex. I can be 1 week up to 1 month and I still would be fine without it. I grain bad for my husband-bless his heart he tries, but I don't consistency the same route about sex. I desire I could. I've seen those commericals-maybe I hear them on the radio, about a pill women can lug. I'm pretty sure that I don't want a pill to make me desire sex. We are discussion about have another baby, what will it be similar to after this one?

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you requirement some time alone with your husband. kids bring on alot of stress and sometimes one parent resents the other for different reason. Wife may resent the husband for not helping enough and the husband JUST DOESN'T GET IT and expects her to make higher the kid, take strictness of the home, cook, laundry and get at tiniest a part time situation.
I would lose interest too, being a mom is sturdy...but try and work on the relationship with the hubby. Drop the kid past its sell-by date at your parents or with a trusted friend, walk to dinner with your husband, yak, have a couple of drinks, muted some candles and get to it!! Pick the kid up contained by the morning!!

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Have you tried taking off your clothes _before_ getting into the mood? Sometimes that works.

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usually if you view a movie or people doing it next you remember how good it feel so you get your urge put money on and plus this is normal for adjectives women who have children.

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it prob be the same
idk i don't enjoy the urge which is good cuz my age but u idk its not adjectives about sex

budge out thu try and have fun approaching u used to
rent a sweet
drop the kid off at g-ma house and knees-up ;]

Im 5'5'', about. && i weigh 130+ pounds. im underneath 16 also. is this normal? how much weightiness should i loose?

Sounds like you ate to much marriage cake at the wedding. Wedding cake will kind a females sex drive disappear.

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Loss of sexual desire is normal after giving birth, but it have been 4 years since the birth of your daughter. I believe you own a deeper lying issue that subconsciously is preventing you from wanting sex let alone trying.

Are you like a cat on a hot tin roof about have more children? Was your pregnancy and delivery conventional? These are all question to ask your self.

I personally would wish consultation either near a psychiatrist or therapist. Get some psychotherapy to find out what the underlying problem is especially before you try to enjoy another baby.

You could be suffering from depression, anxiety, a myriad of things. Before you obtain talked into taking a pill to increase your sexual desire or try have another baby-talk with a consultant.

Good Luck.

My mom recently have a hysterectomy, and ever since she has moved out leg pain, does anyone know what it could be?

It's drastically possible that this is hormone related. If I were you, I would enjoy my doctor check my hormone levels, simply to be safe.

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You don't mention what (if any) type of contraception you use. Be aware that if you're using any sort of hormonal contraception however, it can SERIOUSLY kill your libido.

You might mention this to your doctor; your hormones might own shifted after the birth of your child, or you may have lately gotten into the psychological "routine" of not having sex regularly. Your doctor can repeatedly help you beside these problems...but you have to voice them.

Good luck..

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