Does anyone enjoy any insight into weight gain associated next to Mirena coil?

I've put on a stone in 3 months of have the coil fitted. Feel very sluggish, spotty and commonly a bit fed up. Any thoughts appreciated.

Havent have my period contained by 9 weeks?

I have Mirena........and weightiness gain was a big concern of mine, until that time having it placed. My Dr told me it be a rare side effect. I enjoy had mine for over 7 months and my freight hasn't changed at all.

Good luck......I hope you find the grounds.

Why would someone want to be a ob/gyn?

Hi, I had the mirena coil for 1 year after the birth of my son. I have no problems with consignment gain, but I did have problematic period. I have under-active thyroid disease (got this going on for 4 years after the removal of the mirena coil) and the symptoms you are describing would fit with that....its other a possibility. I would ask your Doctor for a Thyroid function test, you enjoy every reason to want one because of your bulk gain. I gained two stone contained by under a year and when mine be tested it came support that my Thyroid gland wasnt producing enough Thyroxine (which is an historic hormone in our body that controls adjectives sorts of stuff) Im saying this to you as regularly Thyroid condition gets over looked and your condition care providers may only be blaming the miren coil for the weight gain but it could be what I hold. My spots are terrible. My substance has increased. I enjoy no energy. I sleep more. I enjoy sore joints at times. I largely feel unwell.....even though im on Medication for it. Goodluck and hope adjectives goes resourcefully for you x x

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