Has anyone taken clonazepam during pregnancy?
Answers: Personally I have a sneaking suspicion that that your OBGYN knows best. I help yourself to medication and have to.am I preg...yes. Unfortunately here are some people that hold to take medication throughout pregnancy. Are in attendance risks? Sure but they are small...very small. I know that my doctor would not tolerate me take this medication if the risks outweighted the benefits. Everyone is different. Everything you read on the internet say it's bad..but look beneath the OBGYN studies that have be done. The information is inconclusive. Please trust your baby will be ok and it will. clonazepam is hugely hard to come past its sell-by date of take it from me. I hold been weaning since December and with the sole purpose come down 25% of my dose. So kudos to you for stopping.
Do what is best for your baby.is verbs and anxiety good for the little one..not really. So do what you think is best for you and your precious child's wellness. Don't know if that help. I can tell you that I know that taking my medication will solely help me.and surrounded by effect my baby. The likelihood of something going wrong are like .7% you enjoy a 99% chance this will be fine.
Good luck!! By the route zoloft made me feel worse too and that is to say why I had to stick next to the Clonazepam.
The medication your taking, will harm the child. I take
clonazapam and it is potent stuff. I've also be on zoloft and
taking until you feel obedient is understandable, but the entity is
once you stop taking it you'll just run back to intuition the way
you be. I would suggest you stop taking these meds and
see your doctor. Your babys health is more momentous right