Tell me how Pap smear is perform? What to expect?

I never had pepsamar and enjoy heard the procedure may be mortified. Can someone please tell me what to expect during the Pap smear?

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Well you'll not tell the truth on the end of a table next to your bottom half surrounded by a doctor's face but they'll call for to touch you there. They will examine your breasts for lumps and such first. If you've never done breast exams since they should be able to show you how.

Then they'll check the outside of your vagina for cuts, bruises or anything wrong. Then slowly they're put something call a spectum inside of your vagina and it is uncomfortable but shouldn't hurt too fruitless. They use it to look inside to see if anything shows that shouldn't and for the actual pap smear. They'll then rob a tool and take a taste of the inside fluids for testing. They also put a couple of fingers inside of you to check for anything that can't be see or shouldn't be there. They also may stick some surrounded by your anus to check that way.

It's more information than you asked for but that's adjectives that happens when you do a women's exam not merely the pap smear. If you take some ibuprofren 30 minutes to an hour formerly it won't be so uncomfortable. Also relax or it's worse.

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A pap smear usually consists of 2 parts. First a speculum-which reminds me of a duck bill-is inserted into the vagina straight for the doctor to see the cervix. A sample is taken and sent to a lab and the speculum is removed. The second element is usually the doctor inserting 2 fingers and his other hand will be on your low belly and at this time he's just checking the positions of the uterus and ovaries. She may also ask if you have a feeling pain which can indicate a problem. It is humiliated but not painful.

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