Personal interview no mean comments please! minister to?

I am 13 and i do not have my term, but starting last darkness this weird brown discharge have been contained by my underwear and I don't know what it is. I'm too embarassed to tell anyone. I don't suppose its my period and im not have cramps or anything. What could this be? Is it serious? Should i tell someone?

Today on Rachael Ray she have a Doctor on who said that certain panties incentive cellulite ?

This is likely your pre-period discharge... it is completely conventional. Also your first period blood may look rather brown it has be in near for a long time. Congratulations on becoming a woman! Do not be embarassed, talk to your mom or even a womanly teacher that you respect.

I'm supposed to be on my term but i'm expieriencing brown discharge and cramps?

It may be the start of your period. Sometimes when you first start it wont be common. I would just keep on and see what happens subsequent month around the same time.

Any Way?

You should enlighten someone! Most likely it is your time of year. Not everyone gets cramps when they enjoy a period. Only a few of us lucky ones! lol Just consent to someone you trust know and get the proper support!

Has anyone tried Latavi cream/supplements? I was more concerned roughly speaking the supplements.?

tell your mom.

How can I tell if he likes me?

It could be the origination of your period. You might want to start wearing a mini wipe just surrounded by case. As long as you don't own any other symptoms give it a few days and don't verbs. Just be prepeared for your period.

I enjoy had my time of year for about a 1 year and own always have extreme cramps and vomiting?

you could be starting you period soon. somtimes in that is a brownish dischage that starts before your spell begins. I wouldn't be to worried but. If you still haven't started your period and a couple of days and the dischage is still within then conceivably you should consider talking to someone...

How do I net my period come beforehand I go on break?

it might be your period, it's not other red. tell your mom or sister or any other feminine relative you feel comfortable beside, you shouldnt be embarassed

Justt got it in a minute it back again?

Congrats! That is your interval. That's how mine started too.
Tell Your Mom to hand over the pad.

Is it strange that I'm eleven years old and have my period yesterday?

if you don't enjoy cramps...then it sounds similar to the cycle before your first valid period...but it would if truth be told be your period. brown is the result of outdated, you could have an infection or own a slow bleed REALLY need to walk to a gyno and find out!

What causes nausea save for pregnancy?

dont worry it used start to me too!! It is just because you are sick...or you arent response well!! Also you hold to go to the bathroom but didnt go

Is it similar to a whitish brownish discharge?

Question For Girls Only!?

It could very in good health be your period...not adjectives people enjoy cramps. You should talk to your mom almost it, and let her know whats occurring

Is there a doctor surrounded by the house?

hmm.. well idk what it is im not a doc. but you should report someone, and see if it smells if it has a fishy oder it could be an infection, ask your mom.

I haven't have a period contained by 3 months. What could be wrong with me? I'm 15 years frail. I'm worried.?

Not to worry without blemish normal. But be prepared..your monthly visiter is on it's channel!! Carry some pads or tampax beside you. It will come when youLEAST expect or want it, but the brown discharge is sign of it's impending visit.
Good Luck (think Motrin)

Is it everyday to have a white-ish vaginal discharge almost everyday? Does it imply something is wrong with me?

Sure, your starting your interval, sometimes it starts out that way, and contained by a day, or conceivably even less it will be red and flowing, shift get yourself some feminine products, don't be feeling guilty its a part of womanhood.

I remember individual totally embarrassed to describe my mom too. Ughhh, that was soo awful. I assume I was right around your age as capably. Just go transmit her that she needs to whip you to the store so you can pick up some stuff you got your term please done make a big accord out of it because frankly, your in a unpromising mood!

Welcome to womanhood!

My nipples have be sore and hard for 4 days?

congratulations sweetie..u hold ur period! Or at tiniest thats what I would say. When I be 12 I woke up one morning and thought I had pooped myself contained by my sleep because the blood was soo brown. Gross huh!? The color of the blood can swing from dark brown to bright red. You never know. I would definately speak something to someone..and welcome to womanhood.

Ok ., urine try-out went werid PLEASE READ THIS?

I dream up it is your period but i don't no i am 11 and i found some wight stuff today but i don't no what it is. But i do no is that you should narrate some one it may be your period.

Cervix coloration?

Chances are, it is the starting point of your period. Because it's your first time, your cycle will be irregular. You may not own as much tissue in your body to grasp rid of. Because of this, it may take longer for it to exit your body. And when blood get old it turns brownish. Talk to your mom, or another trusted fully developed. Or better yet, beckon your doctor. You are probably perfectly majority, and are entering the blessed stage of womanhood.

Weird period what could it be a sign of?

That is your period. Mine be the same style for the first year or two, cramps come later once your time of year becomes regular. It won't come every month surrounded by the beginning so other wear a pantyliner (a very undernourished maxi pad) and carry a supply of Maxi Pads beside you at all times. Also preserve track of when you period begin. Once your regular your cycle will be 28 to 33 days long before you achieve your next term.

Go to the store and get Maxi pad, Always and Stay-free are good brands.

My boyfriend withdrawaled and next he ejaculated . but he be no where to hand me. am i pregnan?

This happend to me. Im 14 and i got my peroid when i be 12. It started off exactly how your discribing it. Tell a relations member or someone you trust and they will willingly help you. Also when you first get hold of your period it starts of irrigular, so dont expect it to come monthly. At first mine didnt come for another 6 months! I hope you quality better!

Dr. Laura Fans (others too) can you help me?

That is exactly how mine started, and I didn't deem it was my extent because like you, I didn't enjoy any cramps or pains. But turns out it was, so you might consider asking your mom roughly speaking it or whoever you live with and trust.

I took the morning after pill the daylight after I finished my period (April 25th), 2 hours after I have sex.?

It most likely is your length. It is normal to be a brownish color when you first start. I wouldnt verbs. Do you have your mom to chat to? Or even the school nurse. It is nil to be embaressed about, trust me!

I am on the noriday pill as i am breastfeeding butwhy do i keep hold of bleeding every couple of weeks or sooner?

It's really is only your body's way of preparing. Your first cycle will probably be lantern. But it may get heavier (and sometimes more painful) the more you hold.

Why is their so many young pregnanties when condoms are availible?

yes it's your period.

clean up your underwear out and then launder them.
Mark this year on your calendar as the 1st day of this term.
It might last just a day, it might second 5 days.

Keep track by always mark the first day of your spell - you will notice that it should return on a 28 or so daylight cycle, but it could be anywhere from 20 - 30 days.
Tell your mom
And ask her to take you shopping to bring some stuff if she doesn't have any contained by the house.

My boyfriend is pressuring me to get the Depo Shot and have a attitude that I don't want it ..?

I don't want to make this nouns too startling but.............................. probably have an infection. Have you told you parents or guardians? You should move about to the doctor.

What all do I shave when shaving bikini strip?

You absolutely should report someone but it may in reality be your menstrual. Your cycle doesn't necessarily look like the blood from a cut. Again homily to someone, it always better to be not detrimental than sorry.

I have no hypothesis what to do. Please help.?

This may be the start of your spell. You should at least share your mother, she's the one who's gonna have to stir to the store to buy your pads. There's no call for to be ashamed in front of her. She out of adjectives people should grasp. Just b/c you're not cramping doesn't mean its not your time. I never cramp.

Anyone out there beside hypothyroidism?

Yes, that is what your term is like at untimely onset, it will carry thinner and more red. It is your period. Welcome to womanhood.

Can you transport ALEIVE if you are pregnant?

Sounds like your length is about to appear anytime immediately. In fact, that may own been a deeply light spell. You don't always procure cramps. No two people are like peas in a pod. It's nothing to be anxious about. Is within an older feminine you can talk to? It's nil to worry going on for. The time to be embarrassed is when you enjoy your first, and very bulky period, when you're the individual girl in a class of 30 boys...and the lecturer was masculine !

What do I do when I miss three days of birth control pills?

You should ask your mother or someone close that you can trust.

HELP!?!? (Girls Only!)?

you should really tell your mom most ancestors who answer this question is just going to scare you

My spell hasn't came on contained by 4 months why is this?

it's the start of your period,
Before my first i have this brown discharge that almost looked like i pooed my pant!
after a day though it turned to mundane red colored blood.
Tell your mom and she will get you some pad I would suggest waiting until you re second period to start wearing tampons because your flow probably won't be as robust on your first time.

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