Is it okay for males close to me to wear tampon or sanitary pack?

I feel resembling trying is it okay?

Why do my nipples feel sore.?

what are u trying to be close to a girl! no its no okay unless u want to be going around with generate up and girls clothes on aswell

Is it normal not to own cramps during your period?

hell no! ur bleeding ?!?!

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When my cousin was younger he attempted to put on a wipe and he put it on the wrong way! Nothing more funny than audible range a kid whine cause he have a sanitary pad stuck to his packet lmao.

How long did you spot or bleed after insertion of PARAGUARD IUD?

I've never heard of a sanitary "pack". A sanitary wad is something women wear with a belt or that sticks to their underwear beside adhesive. Neither of these items are anything a masculine needs, and if you want to use a tampon, you'd own to insert it into your anus, which I doubt would be healthy.

I cannot visualize why anyone who didn't need to, would desire to use any of these types of products.

Something about girls?

where are you going to put it maby a sanitary napkin


Go ahead and try it. I can see that inserting the tampon would be outstandingly painful, so you'll come to your senses

Is within a solution to my dryness?

Tampons are only designed for women who are menstruating even those that arent should not use them as they risk putting themselves at severe risk of Toxic shock Syndrome which can be lethal. I would imagine that you are planning on placing the tampon in your anus which would bring in this syndrome all the more predictable. I can see no cause why you shouldnt use a sanitary wad although I can think of no reaon why you should want to and if you are bleeding so much from you anus I suggest that you get hold of it checked by a physician immediately!

Is this interval cycle normal?

Its not OK !!!! for heavens sake, are u out of your mind ???

I hear there is a pill that make your..?


Am pregnant?

What is this world coming to??????

How do I treat intimate itching after bike riding?

Your an idiot. But thanks for the points.

What is the best point to do for Postpartum Depression without innards up on Anti depressant drugs?

where exactly ddo you think you are going to put the tampon?

Are bartholin cysts serious?

where would you wear the tampon at basically out of curiosity?
I have hear of men wearing pads when they enjoy bladder control problems but I really dont know where you would put the tampon.

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