Is abortion right or wrong and why?


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this depends on your perspective on the situation, most own different points of view and own good arguments just about why. its your decision.

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wrong exact it's killing a human existence. I am totally AGAINST it.

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nether. its a way of enthusiasm..
a solution.. an alternative...

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Abortion is right...if a mother is pregnant near a child she doesn't wantm, why bring it into the world to suffer and be shunned away? America is pathetic. They importance balls of cell (fetuses) over actual life.

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Pro-Choice people will argue that the fetus is NOT human person, therefore it is not murder and abortions are ok.
Pro-Life relations will argue that the fetus is in certainty a human being and have the potential of life. So it depends where on earth you come from on this issue.
I personally believe adoption is the best choice compared to can't spell adoption short OPTION.

Hi,imissed my periods closing year for awhole year;but istarted again this time.what can be the cause for it ?

it is both right and wrong
right surrounded by the fact the child will be born severely deformed etc.
wrong contained by that it has a right to life
aimed at me too==who are we to play God right

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it depends, some associates believe that its wrong no matter what the circumstances, including rape. others believe rape is the exception. Some those believe that its wrong to bring a child in this world if you can't bear care of it or provide for it. Or that its wrong if you'll hold resentment towards the child, because thats how serial killer are born. all surrounded by all, its truly personal declaration that will change your go regardless of what you do. if you do have an abortion, know that you will probably believe about that would-be child everyday of your energy after that, even if you have more kids. if you don't own one, you have to be responsible for that kid for the rest of your vivacity

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It is wrong. It is murder of someone that has committed no crime.

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Its not about right or wrong.. Do you importance life or devalue life span? Most people who regret their decision make them surrounded by contrary to their values. Once you understand your values system, you can answer this ask for yourself...

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i dont abortion or give it up for adoption is the solution . they are both wrong.

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depends on the reason losing it ,i think its wrong when its someone who a moment ago couldnt be bothered to use contraceptives ,but right when theres no chance of level of life for the child.

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Depends on what you consider to be human life. Some race believe that human life is lately breathing...others believe it as having the capacity to think. I'm contained by the middle, as some studies have shown fetus' start have brain activity around 3 to 6 months. Still, it's the mothers choice, it's her body and she can do what she requirements with it.adjectives I really want is for this person to be responsible for their activities. (you do know that having too lots abortions can make the women's "organs" not work anymore...)

I'll ask this again since someone thought it be inappropriate and have it deleted.?

A man have some beach front property surrounded by North Carolina. One day he be planning on having a delegation for all of his friends on the seaside of his property and he went out to survey the place where on earth he would set up the volleyball net. To his dismay, he found a clutch of deep-sea turtle eggs right where he have planned to set up the net. Needless to influence, he felt this be an enormous inconvenience to his fun, so he destroyed the clutch and adjectives of the eggs with it.

Was that wrong? After adjectives, they weren't really sea turtles but.

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All technicalities aside, the choice is up to the woman whose body is carrying the child. PERIOD.

Now, if you want to dispute whether the child is alive as a fetus in the 1st trimester, very well, that's you're own hang up--honestly, if you're considering an abortion it's because of something more high-status. For example--you've been raped and you're pregnant. You're 13 and you're pregnant. You're a prostitute by trade and you're pregnant. Your doctor discovered a birth malfunction that will cause your child to be born short arms...

Bottom line, I wouldn't support a woman trying to abort a fetus/child after the 1st trimester simply because too plentiful changes hold taken place and that fetus is no longer a shapeless blob that is simply forming a brain and spinal cord. By the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, it now have fingers, can recognize voice, has movements, etc.

But I will support a woman experiencing problems beside her pregnancy in the 1st trimester that requirements an abortion. It's her choice.

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This is really unyielding to answer, I would never have an abortion. I believe within abortions. I believe every case is different. There could be deeply of different reasons why abortion is right. A 10 year infirm pregnant. Rape, medical reasons. I believe contained by Pro choice.

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Abortion is a personal thing that should be left up to the individual. Nobody is FOR abortion. Quality of natural life should always be the origin for such drastic action.
If you don't regard as it is right, don't have one, but don't try to legislate the will of others.

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Now days women have a choice. I am pro time but if you get pregnant after one raped then you should own a choice. If you are young and not competent to take fastidiousness of a child and don't have relations support then you enjoy a choice. Some people will look down on you but you own a choice. Only you can make the time choice that will make you know how to be a productive individual in the future.

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okay first of all it is a human LIFE (responding to some of the comments) -- he or she have a heartbeat! If you don't want the baby after put it up for adoption, there are abundant couples out there who would love to hold a baby and can't. Abortion is wrong!! That's why they own Adoption! This is a very angelic reason to not hold sex until your married or use protection every time and be extra careful -- if you don't want to be pregnant consequently don't take the probability of getting pregnant.

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