I have a problem..im a 22 year out-of-date female and i enjoy what i'll just ring a sore right beside my right nipple

its small, circular about 1 inch in size and looks infected doesn`t matter what it is,hurts also when i touch it.

I havent had my time of year yet but will tampons?

It could be a boil or an ingrown fleece folicle. Try putting a hot rag on it and tolerate it sit for awhile. it will relieve the pressure and it might come to a head and pop. (gross I know)

How untimely can a women ovulate on her cycle date?

Get it checked...could be a bite from a spider or insect...put some neosporin on it to kill the microbes.but get it checked out..I am sure it is zilch serious..wash next to antibacterial soap until you see a doctor..

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