Do feminine problems tend to run in family?

My grandma had a hystorectomy
My 2 aunt's have hystorecomies
My mom is the only one that hasn't
and I want one.
Just wondering.

Ovulation bleeding?!?Help!?

In my early age I read a woman is equivalent to six teacher.When such is so,in a line how importance is a woman.If that being is affected by hystorectomy, than you have a sneaking suspicion that about the family circle how it will affect them

Bicomak uterus?

it oculd be! my granny had hers done at duplicate time as my aunt (her daughter) a year or so later my mother have it done too.

Is it normal to enjoy post-sex bleeding on Yaz?

usually does its like inheritance like you return with your mothers hair or dads or you gain your grandmas heart problem or something.


I would find at the reason they have theirs before worrying

Why Are juvenile girls eager to know more in the order of sex?

never, it comes to your family (or anyone's family) is because the family excepts it, eg: my greatfather have diabetes, my father excepted it, he got it! i never excepted it... in recent times because it runs in the household, i never had it... i lift a lot of sweet stuff, even my coffee and tea are sweet... i'm still massively healthy

bottom line is if u dont want it dont except it... no issue how your family history go!

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