Will sex makes us lubricant?

I heard my friends say before,better dont put away anything after having sex.Coz it will spawn u fat!Did anyone hear it before?

Why don't doctors execute mammograms if its doesn run in your relations and because of age shouldn't they still?

Yes, it does. !

I have see many chicks acquire really fat after have sex , but it usually goes away after almost 9 months.

Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo expections in the first month?

no but I've hear doing lots of doggy style give you a bigger butt

What are some signs that report you your period is coming?

sex is one of the best calorie burners of any possible exercises and intake afterwards will make you no fatte than intake the same entity at any other time, whoever said that is wrong

Howz the book McKenzie's 'treat your own vertebrae' and where can i bring it from?


Can Mefanic acid exact side effects?

Sex burns calories. Food makes you curvy. Your friend is undoubtedly a virgin.

What could this be?

Sex will not make you solid. A three scoop rime cream sunday after sex... well thats a total nuther ball team game. DLH

How tall will I be?

i never hear that but if you do it doggy style it give you a rounder butt lol

Medical abortion/R486 abortion pill?

Psychical Activity=Don't bring back fat.
Sex get rid of calories than most things.
Honestly, I wouldn't be worried about getting corpulent.
Psychical appearances aren't everything.

This is for all you girls out here?

lol the only entity that i can think of is that fart that comes down at hand it's from air gain into your vajay-jay and then i guy go in but yeah i never hear of that i go and get all the time and do it and i never fart so yeah

Pregnant or not? Help!!?

What! If you believe that afterwards don't have sex because you are without a doubt too young.

How much would it cost to re-carpet my bedroom?

yeah if you find pregnant..and doggy style making a butt bigger? wtf?! lol a 'fart' coming out of a vagina is called a queef. X)

I requirement help.?

If you own oral sex with out a condom yes.Sperms are loaded next to calcium and calories.If you are on the pill you may gain a few pounds.

Im 20yrs old girl.i want to increase my largeness.what should i do?

It won't make you rotund. Unless you get pregnant.

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