Pregnant or not? Help!!?

Well I have be on the pill for about a year... ive be with my bf for 3 years and we enjoy never had a problem... adjectives of a sudden im 2 weeks late i started my time of year it was everyday then by the failure of the night it be spotting, then the subsequent day it be flowing then spotting then on that day it be flowing again, now its lately spotting again am i pregnant or not? i took a home test end week came backbone negative but, im starting to acquire worried please someone help ive get all my term symptoms and cramps and all help

Recently after my period(for 10 days i suppose during my ovulation) something similar albumen comes .?

I highly doubt that you are pregnant, but pocket another home test. If it comes rear legs negative, you more than probable are not pregnant. If you are still unsure, you need to see a doctor.

My wife is on anti depressants. Her sex drive is intensely low. Problem.?

you need to see your doctor, i doubt you are pregnant but something is not right.

Not to nouns dumb(im young) If u go through Menopause does that scrounging u stop periods?

Go to the doctor or the vigour department and take an actual pregnancy assessment. That'll tell you for sure!!

Can girls win pregnant if it is their first time?

u are not pregnant. You are only anxious. That is the pretext for this intermitent spotting.
But please seek a qualified gyn/obst for more indepth proposal

Menstrual cycle?

Nah, you're not.

Vagina cyst?

Nothing in what you have a short time ago said indicates you are pregnant. It's possible you are having an adverse hypersensitivity to your pill. Go and speak to your doctor.

How do you get curves?

it doesnt' nouns like your pregnant, but catch retested.

I got simply 1 answer before.. SO IM GOING AGAIN!.. Q's bout pregnancy the pill and PIMPLES YAY collection!!!

It is not unusual to have spotting while you are on pill. It is even said on the instruction to every brand of pill. If you didn't skip, you hold nothing to verbs about, explanation that you aren't pregnant. Now, the question is why you are spotting. I would see a GYN simply in shield you have some problem beside the pill.

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