Medical abortion/R486 abortion pill?

Ok sorry i posted this in the wrong section earlier. Has anyone used the abortion pill or know of anyone who tried the abortion pill? I had sex the condom broke and the unbelievably next sunshine I took the morning after pill needless to read out I still became pregnant and pls do not intercede or be rudeI am just not contained by a situation to be able to hold an unplanned pregnancy at this time. I'm already embarassed and sad and I merely want to know if anyone has experienced this i would fairly have a miscarraige abortion as anti a vacum/surgical abortion. Does anyone know if after having the R486 pill if you will ever be capable of conceive again does it mess your body up? pls advise.

1st time pregnancy.?

What is it? RU-486 is also call the Abortion Pill, M&M, medical (or non-surgical) abortion, and by its medical name Mifeprex (mifepristone) & misoprostol. It is an abortion that can be done up to 7 weeks (49 days) from the first day of your finishing period, although some doctors do use this method through 9 weeks (63 days). It consists of a 2-step process. The first step is taken at the abortion clinic, and the second is usually taken at home.

What happen? First, a thorough exam should be given to be sure that your pregnancy is not ectopic (or tubal) and that there is no IUD surrounded by place. Three pills (600 mg) of Mifeprex (mifepristone) are then taken by mouth at the abortion clinic. To apprehend how this works you must understand a bit bit of female anatomy. The uterine pool liner (endometrium) holds little receptors (think of them as electrical outlets) all over it. Progesterone, a hormone secreted by your body, fits faultlessly into these receptors. Progesterone keeps the uterine inside layer thick and in good health supplied with blood vessel that are essential for maintaining the pregnancy, and it stops the uterus from contracting while the kid is developing. When the Mifeprex pills are taken, a new chemical plugs itself into the progesterone receptors in the uterine facing. Since the progesterone has no place to move about, it stops being produced. The uterus, human being deprived of progesterone, is now free to shed its pool liner and contract even though the baby is still attached to it.

Two days subsequent you are instructed to insert misoprostol suppositories into your vagina (alternatively you may take 2 pills orally). Misoprostol produces uterine contractions and cause your cervix to dilate, and this will cause you to expel the toddler, placenta, and the lining.

Some women will originate to bleed after taking the Mifeprex, but most will not start bleeding until the misoprostol suppositories are administered. In these women, bleeding will occur between 4-24 hours after the suppositories are inserted and will verbs for approximately 8-16 days, with anything over 30 days warrant a call to the doctor.

A follow-up exam will be programmed for approximately 14 days after the misoprostol was administered efficient to confirm that the abortion has be completed. An ultrasound or a pelvic examination should be done to verify that everything have been expelled.

What does it cost? The cost vary from clinic to clinic, but Mifeprex's manufacturers hold set the price of the 3 pills at $270. Misoprostol suppositories should cost around $10. You also have to factor surrounded by the cost of doctor fees and counseling services, which can put the cost at around $600 total.

What should I consider?

- RU-486 can be more expensive than a surgical abortion due to multiple visits.

- It is single effective during the first 7 weeks of your pregnancy, which is dated from the first light of day of your last time of year. Some doctors may offer this way out past this point, but you should know that this jeopardizes you and will not be as important.

- There is no risk of infection from tools, uterine puncture, or cervical damage similar to there is next to surgical abortion.

- RU-486 is a drawn-out process, taking 3 days to complete. During this time, the emotional stiffness can get comparatively high.

- While it may seem to be easier to deal next to since the majority of the abortion occurs at home, it can be more difficult to run through it without the prudence of medical professionals. Some women report seeing the form of the baby after they pass by it, and this can be quite difficult.

- 1-2% of women enjoy excessive bleeding that requires emergency medical attention.

- Incomplete abortions (where the pregnancy has be terminated but the baby does not acquire expelled) occurs surrounded by 5-10% of cases.

- In 8% of the cases, RU-486 does not work at all contained by the first 7 weeks, and the pregnancy continues unaltered. The likelihood of this up increases to 13% if it is taken between the 7th and 9th week of pregnancy.

- The makers of misoprostol hold issued a warning on the subject of the use of misoprostol for abortion. You can view this communiqu?? here, along with answers from the FDA.

- No conducting tests has be done on long-term effects of this medication on women's health.

What are the side effects? (Listed surrounded by order of most adjectives to least.) Bleeding, abdominal spasm, uterine cramping, nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, back aching, uterine hemorrhage, fever, viral infections, vaginitis, chills, indigestion, insomnia, poor standard, leg pain, and ardent distress.

What if I change my mind? Sometimes a woman take the first dose of pills, gets home and next doesn't want the abortion any more. The abortion clinic will most likely speak about you that you need to verbs. However, this is only to protect them - not you. You can agree on to stop the abortion. Simply throw away the misoprostol and contact a pregnancy center to help you find an OB/GYN that will examine you. You hold less than a 50% kismet that the baby is still developing after the Mifeprex is taken, but sometimes the peace of mind that comes from following your heart is more vital than procedures and statistics.

Likewise, if the abortion fails and the little one is found to be developing normally at the 2-week check up, the clinic might insist that you requirement a surgical abortion. This also is untrue, and the decision is still within your hands. They cannot force you to enjoy a surgical abortion.

The clinic will most likely put on alert you that birth defects will go off. However, in the study done on women who continued their pregnancies due to a changed outcome or a continued pregnancy despite the medical abortion, out of 82 women only 1 infant was born beside a cleft palate, which is easily correctable and could be totally unrelated to the medication. The rest of the babies be born alive and healthy. Misoprostol have been associated near Mobius syndrome, which causes facial paralysis, but the statistics say aloud that this happens hugely rarely. You deserve to know the truth and hold all the information concerning this procedure - agree to the clinic know that you are aware of the studies and statistics. The best course of action to filch if you would like to verbs a pregnancy after one or both medications is to contact a pregnancy center who can contribute you the name of an OB who is trained in dealing next to this kind of situation.

Okay so this is crushing but well im worried, i havent started my spell yet, i checked and i be suposed?

it does mess up your body but you should be able to conceive surrounded by the future..

I am suffering from hot flushes cant clutch HRT can any one help me?

I myself own not taken this but a friend has. It works merely like have a natural miscarriage. Your body begin to reject the pregnancy, bleeding along with cramping (sometimes severe), and path of the "fetus". Depending on how far along in the pregnancy you should consult with your gyn to be sure that once the R486 is taken that your body expells adjectives of the "fetus" and attachments - to prevent infection.
Sorry for your situation - no judgements here. Been there myself next to a surgical abortion. Hope all turns out capably

How long is too long for bleeding after child birth?

Yes, you should be able to conceive after using RU-486, provided at hand aren't any complications that would affect conception.

What to do about my stomach?

I used the pill once and it be the worst experience of my life, highest crampping for weeks, heavy bleeding for 6 months. I recommend the surgical it's brisk and no real cramps or starchy bleeding afterwards.

Girl horny pills..ahahah?

I have hear some bad stuff almost that drug. I worked with a girl who used that and the side effects be bad , she be SICK and depressed afterwards.
Why not adopt? My husband and I have be trying to have a newborn ourselves. I know woman that would give anything for a babe-in-arms. We are looking to adoption ourselves.
It seems so useless to lately get rid of a energy. Why not give it to someone who will love him or her.

Will I hold to get blood work done if I be in motion to my doctor for my yeast infection?

If you're embarassed and sad, why are you considering abortion later? Don't your feelings recount you something?

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