Can Sperm bring back though a pin sized hole in a condom?


I want my mom to have another little one?

The sure can - that's like introductory a garage door for them, thousands will swim through. they are so small you can not see them, but you can see the pin hole so for the sperm it is a gigantic hole.

I want to get on the pill?

Oh! YES!!

When a grl go to the doctor for a physical and is to be weighed, does she bearing down the hall contained by her bra?

considering that the size of an embryo can be that small. yes lol

If you don't have and deodorant what can you use instead?


Pregnancy and extent?

yes. sperm are microscopic. you can see the hole, you can't see the sperm... do the math.

Can anyone tell me the best excersise to do to bring rid of a baby belly?

Yes indeed.

A few hours ago i told u guys roughly speaking me having surgery and that i be afraid of being put to sleep_ a few of u?

Sperm can fit throw the tiny holes that are in the material of your underwear. Sperm are meant so swim so they can stir through basically anything


Hell Yeah!

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