Why women genital tend to smell fishy ?


But why do girls feel close to they need sex adjectives the time!?

It has to do near the sweat glands that are located in the genital nouns. Everyone has apocrine glands in the genitals and they produce smelly secretion.Every woman smells a little different but surrounded by general the smell is due to the feminine hormonal composition.

Vericose Veins?

I've smelled and tasted better and worse. Just depends on the woman.

I am 38 year aged female who have pain surrounded by left side?

Don't know...mine never do.

Does yoghurt really works as a treatment for yeast infection?

I hold only have that problem once. All the other times it smelled quit taste.

Vaginal burning and swelling after sex?

thats freshly the woman u went down on. one-sidedly i would saty away from licking out chicks. i mean they pms from down in attendance. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww but also....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... 4 me the receiver

How do you attain a urinary track infection.how can it be treated?

a fishy smell is often a sign of a bacterial overgrowth. not an std, but in recent times too much of one type of bacteria. It wont hurt you, she could be confidently treated with antibiotics

Every time i hold sex with my boyfriend i didn't make climax its nt impossible that i cannot have i babe

I judge if a woman's genitals smell fishy, there's something wrong. A doctor's appt. is needed.

HOW DO I GAIN WEIGHT? Seriously!!!?

Eons ago it served as a signal to the in front of sex. Verymuch like most animals today.

I enjoy a very itchy and red vagina, I'm a virgin and i hang on to myself clean.. Whats worng?

it shouldn't smell fishy. if it does probability are there is some type of infection going on.

Im worried that i own cancer?

lol..it is because of the heat from the body. since the vagaina is moist , the presence of roast gives it an odour. It is the woman's responsiblitity to hang on to it clean at adjectives times and change underwear freqently and also use verbs ones. unlike the penis that can easyly be washed the womanly genitl is complicated. the reason why i know this is because my mother lecture me and i read Books.

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Lol. Not all women's vagina's smell fishy. Some are that mode because of the type of food that they eat or some freshly need a worthy wash. There can also be a fungus too.

Does anyone else catch weepy during that time of the month?

Maybe her PH balance contained by her vaginal area is past its sell-by date, this could happen beside too much douching, unproper diet, or not properly clensing oneself after intercourse. They have this stuff call refresh(OTC) that will help restore the be a foil for. However, try getting her to eat fruit, because the statement "you are what you eat" If she have a fishy discharge she needs to see her GYN!

My time is late even though I didn't own sex. it's almost 2 weeks.?

A fishy odor is a sign of infection. If you smell fish you better run the other way.

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sounds close to you have be dating women with infections : (

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