Every time i have sex near my boyfriend i didn't reach climax its nt impossible that i cannot hold i babe


That time of the month question?

you can enjoy a baby in need climaxing but you should be able to climax and might enjoy a physical problem.

Is the G Spot real?

Female orgasm is not needed for pregnancy.

I told my sister that she was bigger than this skinny t.v. star?

Im confused here. are you asking if you can acquire pregnant if you don't get bad? Hell yes you can. You can get pregnant if he doesnt bring off. Its call Pre-. anytime that a man ejaculates (comes) inside your vagina or sometimes outside the vaginal passage there is a opening of pregnancy. I'd suggest that if you are asking this question consequently maybe you aren't really organized for sex. I mean come on My 11 year behind the times daughter just well-read all this within health class. She could enjoy answered this. You need to do some research. Not just is pregnancy possible but AIDS and many various other std's are probable and likely considering you aren't using protection.


you are a child arent you ?you entail some sex ED,dont they teach that where on earth you live.oh! by the way you can obtain pregnant,without enjoy the process,example, rape vics get pregnant im sure they dont own an orgasam...kathy a

My mom called me solid what should i do?

oh come on lebza,
you know that you can get pregnant any time you hold unprotected sex.......and it does not matter if you orgasm or not.
i own a feeling that you are verrrry young at heart. talk to your mom or counselor at university


Whether you have a climax or not have nothing to do near you being competent to have a babe. You can have as masses kids as you want without climaxing beside your boyfriend.

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