Why does my armpit smell bleak?
Having pain during sex.be happening for 2 years immediately.?
Welcome to puberty!
Wash it good and after apply deodorant. You should also consider shaving your armpit as it amplifies the smell. Make sure to wear cotton clothes, to let the skin air and because the stretch ones will get stains because of the sweat.
Take a hip bath, kid!
usually armpit hair make the smell worse. You could try putting on deodrant twice a day, and stay away from really tacky tight clothes.
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use deodorant.How likely is unteine cancer in a 35 year older female that only had a tot 6 months ago?
use strong lasting deoderant!Over consignment, A smoker, High Blood Preasure Bad combo for starting birth control?
Well stinky, have you hear of soap and water? The smell is comatose skin and bacteria. If that doesn't relieve some nice under arm deodorant should work.I spotted afterwards got a calorific period spotted afterwards heavy time?
use deodorant. Everyones pits start to smell bad around 11. i suggest getting deodorant specifically also anti-persperiant. The deodorant helps receive rid of the smell. The anti-persperant helps run down the sweating.i've had unpromising luck with Secret. doesn't work powerfully for me.
i started out with teen spirt stick. worked capably...it was fun cuz adjectives my friends got it together and we respectively bought a different scent. It was adjectives of our first times buying deodorant.
You can also buy perfume to spray on your neck.
I hope this help! good luck contained by the world of puberty!
Use deordorant beside anti persperant and that should help,except then it might be medical issue.
It is actually methane from germs you smell!
This is starting because of Puberty.
Puberty is the time in which sexual and physical characteristics grown. It occurs due to hormone change. Another part of puberty is acne which is cause by all the hormones that are present during puberty. (See our Acne clause for more on this annoying problem.) As you enter puberty, the puberty hormones affect the glands that are under your arms and explanation you to have "body odor."
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deordorant deordorant deordorant deordorant deordorant..your prolly going through puberty.scrub really thorny and pile ont he deodrant, if thats dont work go see the doctor, conceivably you have tht over sweating problem
You're hitting puberty; and so adjectives your androgens-(female hormones); are climaxing; this includes excessive body hair-(pubic and underarm hair); when you activate the sensors underneath your armpits; the follicles; by heat; or other sensations; sweat accumulate!
well it is because u sweat and merely get some deodorant
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