This is strictly women's health request for information..?

what's the deal near too much back coat, on 40 yr. old feminine? is it pre-menopausal? i had my closing child at age 28! and, when i was pregnant beside her, we thought we were have a boy because i started growing hair within a lot of unusual places!! but, it have gotten progressively worse since then! anything that i can do?

Frequent UTIs, kidney infections?

You enjoy a hormonal imbalance and necessitate to seek direction from your DR.. many women grow gloomy hair after they become pregnant... With the correct medication you can loose change this around... start dialing that number kiddo

Good Luck

Heavy early time of year?

Well, your hormones could be out of whack. Any new meds?

Do parents hold to know about birth control?

well it is in recent times a sign of testosterone, which is not necessarily a bad entity, for instance it controls how much sexual pleasure and desire we have, to lessen it i would try a veet or nair, so that you dont get blade bumps or ingrown hair from tweezing or wax.

What is female **?

Its usual. Honestly the only entry you can do is shave it. But since its black, it will show really easily.

Oh please oblige me please! puberty bras?

It definitely sounds resembling something with the hormones. You should probably step to the doctor and have a theory test done. There are medications to bear to balance out your hormones, but your doctor will requirement to prescribe them so you get the right amount.

Worried.. just about..?

i would see a dermatologist if i were you, something could be passageway off and you simply might not know it yet

Help Please next to the breast size!?

It could be anything from your thyroid to fibroids. The best person to ask is your gynocologist to rule out any. It could be a side effect of polycystic ovaries. It's not a dangerous condition, a short time ago cysts in your ovaries. If she rules out those and the spine bothers you, ask her for a prescription for vaniqa, a cream you put on after hair removal to prevent regrowth.

I've have my period for 4 weeks and its not stopping. What could exact this?

I would check hormones level through a saliva question paper if I were you. Find a practitioner who have an access to a good laboratory .

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