Having pain during sex....be happening for 2 years very soon.?

I had never have this problem until after I had an abortion. I have this slight burning during sex (and i waited a week after the amount of time i be told i had to dawdle before i have sex again). Now, it happens adjectives the time. I went to planned motherliness, and they said im just not "taking my time", which is BS. I have been put on antibiotics, but they didnt come across to help. No doctor seem to know what the problem is, and they all read aloud im infection free? Is this all within my head??? Im singular 23....

Has anyone expierence a period of audible range loss, just for an instant and next it comes back?

Pain near sex can be attributed to different factors, but it sounds close to you have ruled out a few of them. One that you might want to look into is have a tilted cervix...I have have the experience with hurting sex, went to the hospital and the took sample and did all sorts of exam, the doc actually told me that I most imagined had a STD, which be not possible or probable cause I be with equal man for quite some time. Turns out, I didn't enjoy an STD, of course, but they never figure it out.

I would talk to you OB/GYN, she/he will advocate you to pay attention and conceivably even take transcription on the matter. You would definately want to rule out any abnormality with you cervix.

Good Luck

Rotary cuff lay waste to?

just use a personal lubrican like KY, or my all-time favorite Castro-GTX for high-ranking mileage vehicles!

Just a spur-of-the-moment question?

I muse you should try get some generous of therapy for form or... sex ?

Good luck in your psychotherapy

Ok ladies i need comfort theres this girl?

I know what you mean, kinda. Try using lube. It could in recent times be your bodies way of recounting you your not lubricated enough. It happen after giving birth so maybe it happen after an abortion.

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If this have been occurring for 2 years now, I doubt its because your body is still trying to adjust after have an abortion. Have you tried using lubrication and seeing if that has made any difference? You might hold vaginal dryness that could be a result of medications your using or even a medical condition, not because you aren't aroused. Have you be tested for STD's within this time? That could also be another purpose for why it burns (remember, not all STD symptoms show right after you procure them. They could show within months, years and sometimes immediately show at all). I would test newly to be safe, even if your partner claimed they be clean. You could be suffering from moving problems with sex. Perhaps have that abortion might have made you perceive guilty and its hindering your sex go because you might be scared of becoming pregnant again.

I've posted a relationship with a couple suggestions as to why you might be suffering from misery with intercourse. I would also suggest seeing another Dr. for second view. Good Luck...

About how many more inches will I grow?

If you own tested for all STD's and your doctor say you don't have an infection, you awfully well may own endometriosis. I have this; I'm 30 and it started in the order of 2 years ago.


I'm so stressed out please help?

You may own scarring. You probably need to own a hysteroscopy performed to check for any scarring or abnormality. Any gynecologhist can do this for you.

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Your doctors should manifestly check for other causes. i would distinctly reccommend going somewhere OTHER than planned parenthood. i remember when i used to dance there. its resembling a cattle call of worried 16 year antediluvian girls, you're not gonna get plenty attention. see a private doc if u havent already.

i would say it could be some humane of internal inflammation (ie pelvic inflammatory disease). for anything like this they would hold to go beyond an external nouns and check with an ultrasound. psyche had some cramp during sex too and my doc thinks it be a ruptured ovarian cyst. i has an unltrasound and im waiting to hear subsidise. but fyi the cysts cause much more severe sharp headache, esp if they ruptured. but definitely dont agree to up until someone gives u an answer. if its that discouraging it cant just be dryness.

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