I havent started my time of year?!?

wat do i do im 13 and i am worried about starting my extent in class wat do i do i dont close to to carie around purses so i cant put tampons or pads contained by i just within case and im afriad to share my teachers if i started my period

Pls back.. give me tips//?

ably you'll know kinda around when you may start.
have you started finding discharge in you underpants?
this can start stirring a few weeks before.
most nation i know felt moody, get headaches and stomach ache int he week they got their first one.
i guess the best guidance i can give is take around a small purse in ur pocket. and if you be aware of cramps and pain within your lower abdomen.. and a impression... almost kinda like uve showery your pants. (sounds great aye) after ask the teacher if you can dance to the bathroom.

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put them n tha bottom of ur backpack

What is the best approach to dispose tampons?is it okay to flush it?

Put them in your backpack or approaching a little pencil pack. You should carry a purse for these kind of things. You are getting older and in attendance is nothing wrong next to it. =)

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Keep one contained by you're book bag or save something in your locker. I didn't even start till I was 15, so don't be too worried roughly it. I enjoyed not have that responsibility, I miss those days

What could cause pink spotting 5 days after my term ends?

Carrie tampons or pads within your backpack...and if you start your period within class ask to go to the bathroom.

Also, don't be afraid to detail your teacher that you own started your period. They will TOTALLY get..believe me..

Hope I helped



You don't have to verbs about it very soon cos you're only 13. Some girls enjoy their period much subsequently and it can be as late as 15. So you might freshly be one of those who'll start period behind.

You'll probably sort of "feel" that your period is something like to come when you experience Pre-Menstrural Syndrome or PMS. You'll feel that your breasts are a short time sore and swollen, you might get a PMS zit or two, or when you consistency a bit moody. It usually happens 10 to two weeks since period.

Well, alternatively, you can carry a cute pouch to put your pads and tampons within and put it in your backpack or something.

Why is it?

Believe me everyone in the world at the age of 13 know about period so there is no aim to be emarrassed. You might keep a wad discretely packaged surrounded by your locker or backpack. Does your school own a dispensing machine?

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umm i dont know know i never got my time of year and i think i never will sucks 4 u lol but once i be drunk walkin home and i seen approaching a pad or what ever its call on the floor with blood on it that be nasty bro i considered necessary to pick it up and throw it and my cuzin ahahhahha but umm yeh sorry i have no suggestion on vagina blood :D

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When I was contained by school I carried pad in my backpack. As for describing the teachers you don't enjoy to tell them if you don't want to hun. It's ok if you don't want to explain to them.

As for starting your period, some girls don't start til they are 16 but it could be coming at any time. When I started my spell I was at home and it be at night while I be trying to sleep.

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