Help I am depressed?

My sister took her daughter to the ob/gyn and know they want to do a ultra sond and see what is going on

Why does everything taste and smell discouraging?

Without more specifics I can't imagine why that would put together you sad. The ultrasound is merely a diagnostic tool to see what is going on inside her abdomen. Is she super childlike and you are concerned she's pregnant or is it worse and you are worried about cancer?? Be glad that your sis and niece are apparently close satisfactory to go through doesn`t matter what it is together and obviously your at hand to help too. Hope it works out, don't spend foolishly time being distressed, I'd say a prayer instead.

Help! I own an ingrown hair I can't reasonably reach satisfactory to 'dig' out and?

Why are you dismayed exactly?

Your niece may need attention, but your concern may be cause you anxiety. Ask yourself if there's certainly anything about which YOU inevitability to be unduly concerned here!

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maybe you can edit the interrogate to add more information? ultra sounds do not be determined anything bad, it simply mean that they want to own a better look inside, thats all. what be going on to make them do an ultrasound?

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I'm going for a pelvic ultrasound next mon feb 26.
I'm not dreadful. I'm going as a safe judge to see what is
causing long period, etc.

Why are you sad ? I don't draw from your question. You not here out alot of details, so I don't think anyone here can lend a hand by trying to answer.

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