Normal Period?

Is passing tissue and clots beside no blood normal? I thought I be pregnant, (I never actually tested) but after I started spotting and now I'm endorsement what looks like tissue and clots. There is backache in my belly, there have been for a while, but it's not similar to menstrual cramps. I also feel sick, resembling nauseous and light-headed.

Symptoms of untimely menopause?

This could be due to serious internal infection ,which calls for instantaneous action and stop by your gynecologist with out any further suspension as it is your body. This also happens due to over bake in the body /excess alcohol drinking and drinking a lot of non veg and traveling plentifully and lack of sleep too & unhyginec living conditions too ,Drink like mad of water and douse your self near warm brackish water, but do look in a doctor. wishing you promptly recovery from this situation,Bye and GOD Bless you.

Is it common if periods end as long as one month?

Call your doctor immediately. It sounds approaching you were pregnant and are have a miscarriage.

I found thick white discharge on the outside of my labia (in the folds), could this be BV or a yeast infection

see a doctor!

What can be resons why i've skiped my extent?

hmm,i know that spotting is normal,i ruminate you should do a test after can and see a doctor
good luck

First time sex request for information?

dont post that on line guys win freaked hhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllll... go to a doc achieve a pragnencey test

Can stress put together your stomach swell?

I don't know that it is normal...but I hold experienced something similar. You should contact your clinic to make an appointment next to your doctor! There are several things that could be going on. It is ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry! Hope this help.

Painful periods at 50?

This is not common. See your doc today or at least travel to urgent care/ER and get checked out.

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