Remove Mirena on my own?

Is it possible to remove my Mirena IUD on my own? It's been within since March of this year. What dangers are here? What does the doctor do when they remove it?

Sex question?

Why would you do that? It is possible for it to decline out of place but I would never try to help yourself to it out. I have one too, it be uncomftortable going in and then the sides be folded in. Now the flaps on the side are out--imagine the PAIN! Don't do it. If money is the issue move about to a clinic and let them do it. BE SMART AND MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION. you could hurt yourself drastically badly pulling something ancient your cervix.

Why is this happening? Could i b pregnant?

It is uncertain for you to attempt. You could injure yourself, bleed, scar tissue, etc.

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