Ladies how do you take rid of your menstrual cravings and wanting to put away adjectives the time?

I crave sweet things and I feel approaching I need to put away ALL the time. HELP!

Answers:    Me too, i have like peas in a pod problem, got it right very soon but i suffer like this earlier my period, not during, i gain roughly speaking 4 or more lbs, hate it. Usually i can't fail to acknowledge the cravings so i just allow myself to chomp through the junk, consequently the rest of the time i eat other. We crave sweet or junk food during this time because our iron level are low, and our oestrogen levels increase... My direction would be to allow yourself the sugar, just don't step overboard...
I just pay no attention to them. I am heavily into bodybuilding, thus I am really limited by diet and calories. If I want to put away more I drink more water and pop some gum, if it get really bad I enjoy a serving of almonds. i never understood this.
i never find cravings on my period.

the best article to do is probably drink more water (keep you full), get through higher fiber foods, munch through fruit, and keep any harmful sweets out of the house during that time.
Carry a bag of raisins beside you.

Then, whenever you get the 'munchies', pop ONE raisin surrounded by your mouth, NOT a handful. Chew it very slowly, liberator it, play with it contained by your mouth. Eventually your mouth will get so tired, that you don't want to enjoy anymore food to chew.

Good luck :)

Try to substitute with fruits. Nature's candy. Or win some trail mix with dried fruits which really do nibble like candy. You're already suffering by have to menstruate, don't make it worse by denying the things that engineer it more tolerable lol try nibbling carrot sticks which is respectable and calorri free.

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