Sex interview?

me and my boyfriend have be together for over a year and we haven`t had`s be over a year since he`s had sex beside someone. we do everything but that (no he`s not cheating on me and getting sex from someone else). we talk almost having sex adjectives the time but it never happens because we other hang out within a group of people every weekend. he`s on the slow side when it comes to hints. what should i do.

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jump him


Wait until you're BOTH set!

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I am puzzled and amazed. I would talk directly to your boyfriend in the order of the issue. I have to wonder how out-of-date you are - I dont like giving sex direction to kids... but if you are both adults, and have both be previously sexually active, and hold been together, and intimate for over a year short actually have sex - for a reason save for deliberately abstaining... I would be concerned and curious as to why. It seem strange to me, that busy weekends are enough to distract you both from self involved in each other that mode. Perhaps there is another issue here - self esteem, previous molestation, impotence, femininity or sexuality confusion... I dont mean to freak you out. merely sounds as though it may be more than a case of, we a moment ago havent gotten around to it. As a general rule men love sex, if hes not hassle you for it, id be wanting to know why. Ask him.

Are in that any consequences when you have sex 7 days prior to your term?

all men are slow when it comes to hints! lol you have to be direct beside them. just put in the picture him that you are ready. upright luck.

I need to know why I grain like this!?!? HELP!!?

Be direct next to him. Just say "Hey, I'm all set when you are." I'm in an extremely similar situation so I can report you that being direct next to your boyfriend seems the style to go.

I use birth control and?

get married.

Any Nurses Around? "Female" problem, can you assist?

get him alone and start jerking him stale furiously and then scratch all your clothes rotten and just own your way beside him

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