For the love of God ANSWER THIS QUESTION! Please?

I only write that because lately ive been getting one answer!

Ok very soon i just started taking the birth control pill levora n this is my first 2 and a half weeks.

ive have...

-blood spotting before by period have even started
-BAD bloating
-low sex drive
-really oily skin? strange enough.
-I cry over everything (depression)
-Want to guzzle eat eat.
- and my pimples enjoy been kinda worse (but i know they are supposed to get worse since better)

my question is...IS THIS AS GOOD AS IT GETS ON THE PILL???

Has anyone finally found themselves satisfied beside a certain pill?

Do i have hope of finding a pill that doesnt gross me feel so much like crap?

Please back me. :(

Answers:    i am on levora too..and when i switched to that one my doctor told me to give it 3 months and if it was impossible she would switch me...i am starting on the third month now and i know what you are going through..the first month was horrible...i considered necessary to eat constantly(eat gives you the sugar you want but short the bad stuff) and my acne was horrible...but it get better as i really just get to wait for your body to get used to it since you switch or you will be going through the same thing over and over again.
What you should do is stir the website Levora, or the makers of the pill. This info should be on the package. They index every side effect associated with taking this medication. What you are describing sounds almost unbearable, so I don't surmise all of these things should be happening. You can look up the info on the pill, but you should see your physician. Unfortunately, those are the symptoms beside most birth controls. If you talk to your doctor, he/she may prescribe another birth control with a lower dosage of hormones, which may or may not lend a hand. If not, it's just something you're gonna have to agreement with. (look at the bright side, those side effects are a lot worse when you're pregnant =P).
OMG you own to get off that pill and bring back YAZ (it is spelled with all caps). It just this minute came out and it is the first pill to actually be proven to help treat moderate acne, it gives you shorter and lighter period and (best of all to me) it THE ONLY birth control proven to treat emotional and physical symptoms of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) such as bloating, cramps, depression, immensity gain etc. I have been on 3 diff kind of brith control pills in my lifetime and this one is a Godsend! I am telling you, you own to switch. You will be so happy with it! I don't know what to report you, because I don't use pills. If you feel that bad on pills, stop taking them. The longer you lift them, the worse the side effects. You have only be taking them for about 2 weeks so I would just stop using them and find an alternative form of Birth Control. Is it worth that much? Just look at adjectives of your options before you find another pill to be in motion on..
I know lots of women who were satisfied on the pill. I also know that sometimes it take a few tries to get the right one and the right dose. I, however, was one of those unlucky ones who could never get hold of the right one!
Be sure to talk to your doctor right away. It shouldn't be a problem to change your prescription lacking scheduling an office visit, or she may want to simply fine-tuning the dosage. i use seasonique, i haven't experienced any problems yet (almost 3 months on it) except recently i've have "spotting" which is very annoying but normal beside every pill.. i'd recommend getting off what you're on.
The hormones in modern birth control pills should not be have this effect on you.
See your doc. You may have PCOS, your symptoms are right. It is curable just by following a low carb diet surrounded by a lot of cases.
I can't tolerate hormones. That's why I love my copper IUD. It makes me 'normalize' and no remembering to do. Ask your doctor. premature menopause??????.
hehe you get pimples :P well i take ortho tri cyclen powerfully the generic for it anyways.

before going on birth control i had:
-at smallest one big pimple on my face at all times.
-i be never too moody
-i would feel horny alot

-still some bloating
-more moody
-cramps that don't finishing as long but are just as painful.
-i haven't have the urge to masturbate since i started in may. not to say my sex drive have gone away but i could care less something like pleasuring my self. when i see someone hot or whatever i feel pious but i don't feel like i enjoy to have it.
-and i get tired more habitually
-but no more big pimples. more like one every once in a while.

so i guess within are some good and bad things almost the pill.

but it works differently for each woman so maybe for you ortho tri cyclen will be a god dispatch.
perhaps you should try it.

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