How should i proceed during first mariage dark?(girls only)?

what should i do during my suagh raat(first marriage night). how should i proceed next to my wife so that she love to have sex near me.?

Someone please help me. My boobs and ribs own been sore for former times two days, and i don't know what to do.

Hug her deeply...put in the picture her how beautiful she lucky u r to marry w/ her.later kiss her slowly soft ones all over her frontage...neck etc.slowly undress her if she let u...if not surrounded by the night merely hold her.pressing your body against her.feeling her.she should verbs.just be really, very tender.

Surveydo you see stars?

ask your married friend

Please describe me why women's breast hurt so bad past we start our period?

Be lenient and dont rush to have sex Make her be aware of comfortable and show her that you truly love her. Make sure that she wants to own sex on the first night as some girls are a bit afraid. Trust is the switch word to a happy married life span Once she trusts you the rest will be spontaneous

Genitals wash?

i reccomend starting stale with a uninterested discussion... i reccomend giving her tons of encouragement, but DON'T pressure her. i can remember my guy starting off next to a casual pat, and gentle touching. things escalated from in attendance... and we've been pretty happy ever since.

Um, assist? I'm 13 and something's weird?

first ask your husband's favorite items .be clear contained by it. share everything with him. ask him something like his school life& college life. love your husband forever.

Why is some white approaching liquid coming out frm my urinary oppening?

love her

Condom support?

you try give her more fate to talk because imperturbably ladies are fear as they are coming to topical place while leaving themselves to her husband. you obligation to get place within her heart proceed with her penchant & openions share your openions with her you ask her ambitions and desire you express your self how to head life & is that comfortable or not come to mutual understanding rest of the things. because love & Trust is the key word to a bullish married life Once she respect & trusts youe openions the rest will be spontaneous.
you plan your vivacity to be guide to atleast one in the univese. ok optimistic married life.

Do you really enjoy to wait the unharmed 6 weeks after giving birth to have sex or is at hand a shortcut?


Do you have to linger in til your length finished to have a full hysterectomy?

be nice!

I'm 13 years feeble and I'm 5'10 how much should I weigh?

Enter the room in full confidence,close the door from inside & agree to no one enter your room. Don't hurry up for doing sex loaf for a while talk to her politely formulate herself comfortable then remove her dress & do anything you want but remember one thing do not torture her.

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