Why is this taking place? Could i b pregnant?

two weeks ago i started feeling cramp in my lower sector of my back and a week after that i've be feelin pain within my stomach which was also a emotion as if it was my interval about to come on and my breast be in misery as well! Then when i budge to use the bathroom, after im done im feelin sharp pain after i urine and after it goes away! Sometimes i consistency dizzy, light-headed, gassy, tired, sharp pains in my thighs and burping more then typically! A month ago i had intercourse beside my boyfriend and the condom broke right before he come in me! Yesterday i have some spicey food and my stomach was bubbling extensive! i really need to know ASAP because im contained by pain! I've also be exercising like walking but i be just two days and it be during the time i first started feeling affliction in my stomach!

I am a 45 year mature woman and never had an organism is this commonplace?

You should really go to the doctor

About my interval?

take a pregnacny test. do you remember have you know what with someone

I haven't have a period since March 8 2007, gloomy hpt & blood tests for pregnancy, what is wrong near me?

When was your ending period?

Birth control -- side effects and a instrument to skip period and when will it start working?

If your boyfriend in truth finished inside you, there is a especially good arbitrariness you could be pregnant. Wait to see if you get your time of year (assuming your periods are coming regularly) and if it doesn't come, after you should probably take a home pregnancy question paper. If you're opposed to terminate any potential pregnancy, it's a really good view to get yourself to a doctor or clinic for prenatal strictness & vitamins as soon as you find out whether you are pregnant-- especially because the excessive pain you are describing could be a sign of a possibly uncertain complication, such as ectopic pregnancy.

Alternately, you could just be have worse than usual PMS symptoms. Higher stress levels can sometimes organize to stronger PMS symptoms, and if you've been really worried and terrified about the broken condom, that could be helping to variety you more tense and upset than usual.

If you're worried, find someone to have a word to who can provide some information and resources. (Friends are good, too, but they might not other have adjectives the information you need at a time similar to this.) If you are a student, your school's counselor or nurse might be a right place to start. If you are worried they might tell your parent(s), ask up front in the order of this. If you're pregnant, you can also talk to counselors at Planned Parenthood (1-800-230-PLAN) whose position is just to provide you next to information so you can decide what you want to do.

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