How am i suppose to bring up to date my gf that her vagina stinks? is there a nice route? i need thinking.?


Is it normal to pass by out a lot of clot during menstruation?

by her some masingils for her birthday

Is it possible for a woman to draw from pregnant at the end of her cycle?

uh no, within isn't! but tell her to put away lots of pineapple. someone told be that helps :/ i dunno if that's true, but it's what i hear

Birth Control Question, important!?

just relay her

Sex helppp (women answer)?

Just keep suggesting fish for dinner... every year... she'll get the message

Please Help?

i honestly dont infer that would be a good model
but maybe a nice speak with her? damn if a guy told me that i'd be so embarrased and humiliated

How do you know if your loose?

Don't mop up your penis for a very long time.Next time she go down on you and complains simply say 'What roughly speaking you!'

I have just this minute switched from a normal hormone even birth control pill to a low hormone.?

Try showering with her. Make sure you bathe her well, if you know what I tight. If there is still an odor, you will know it is not something like cleanliness. She may need to see a doc, could be an infection.

How do u inform if someone is a complete * (exactly like paris hilton)?

there is no nice bearing. lol if someone told me that i would dump them sorry man

Why does my discharge smell like a insensible fish market?

tell her you ruminate she has an infection . and should see a dr.

Girls Only PLZ!!?

Touch it where on earth you think it smells bleak and gently put your finger that you touched it near under her proboscis. See what she says!! You might not requirement to say a word!

Does the birth control pill yaz back clear up skin?

Just tell her. Either agreement with it or bring up to date her, there will be no well brought-up way where on earth she won't be embarrassed.

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honey let go shower together?

Is it average to have to swing a super tampon every two hours?

Hmm this is a tricky one.

You definitely requirement to tell her as she may enjoy an infection (maybe not a sexually transmitted infection but it could just be a bacterial infection which can be cause sometimes by using soap down there near are a few reasons)

I don't think near is a nice way to be honest! Sorry :o)

Ive be having abnormal pains in my chest? what could it be?

wear a breathing mask when around her vagina enunciate you have some unusual illness.

Oh no!Will she carry cancer?

`Fraid you`ll just enjoy to bite the bullet partner. There`s NO easy road out of this one.

Very faint potion of positive vein on pregnancy test 2 hours subsequently.?

well, she is not really in control of how it smells. ie nearby may be very little she can do. the nice course is to tell her that you are have difficulty enjoying the smell of it.
possibly taking a bath or shower merely before sex would sustain.
perhaps she would be of a mind to try something like douching to back. perhaps you could put flavored sex-oil on it to cover the smell. nearby are many option. you need to report her that it is difficult for you to get used to - and that it is not premeditated, just close to a kind of food you "basically don't like the smell of" or something. don't voice that it stinks. just communicate your own difficulty with the experience.

is this the first one you own ever smelled?

Serious Personal Question (please read)?

I don't know if this is the nicest way, but you can try it. Tell her you are concerned roughly her health, as she have one of the symptoms of vaginitis. This is a yeast infection of the vagina and can be accompanied by itching and discharge any yellowish or whitish/clumpish.

She may already know about vaginitis, and of late not be aware she has one of the first symptoms.

A better channel - tell a womanly relative of yours (Mom, perhaps) and see if she will either describe her or has some suggestions on how to more gently tell her.

Has any one have a hysterectomy in their precipitate 30's due to painful menstrual cycle?

Just be up front next to her...she'll appreciate your honesty in the long run.

Laporscopic hysterectomy?

Take a long shower beside her and wash her 'down near' and if it still smells. I dont know what to tell you

Question for women..?

My bf and I are competent to talk something like this stuff easily. For example a couple times when he be going down on me, I noticed him looking a short time funny and I said what, well I know what it was. Sometimes I get hold of little bits of toilet paper adjectives over, so alot of times prior to bed time I am sure to take fastidiousness of it ahead of time, but sometimes I forget or miss. So since we are both aware of this problem and one or two more similar ones we just utter it. were close similar to that. But for you I would just simply, very well lets say aloud you in alike position he was when he get that funny look and you could look up and say honey did you pinch a bath today, next if she says why only just say capably it smells alittle funny. What else can you do , ya know. either speak it or keep dealing next to it which do you prefer. Then once the topic is open for discusstion that time or subsequent say okay the bath really isnt working honey and I want ot be capable of do what I want to to you and enjoy it and I cant. Then if she is grow enough you can come up near other sollutions like doucheing. See my bf does not inside of me to much, he think this causes unpromising odor. So if you are doing this then recommend to her after to other get right up and hose it out, either by doucheing which is exspensive if you do it once a afternoon or more so I run water contained by the tub and use my finger to wash it out beside warm hose. good luck Kim

I own not got my extent in a month,I'm 16 and enjoy not had sex , can someone please assistance me!?

You gotta be straight up about it if you're gonna be within a relationship where sex is involved. If you guys can't be completely honest next to each other, other things are gonna come up that are gonna bother you that you won't know how to chitchat to her about.

But. Yeah. Just be resembling...

I'm having trouble getting used to anyone down here and going down on a girl. Do you have any sort of redolent soaps you could use that might make it more fun for both of us?

Or if you guys can, nick a shower together and tell her you resembling her to be clean and smell well-mannered.

I don't know that's gonna be tough haha sorry.

I just get my peroid and im to scared and embaresed to recount her what should i do?

if she really means anything to you after you should just put in the picture her. she will probably get annoyed but, tell her that you should know how to tell her anything and she is also competent to tell you anything and thats what you expect. communication and honesty are outstandingly important surrounded by a relationship.

(females only!!)?

Just don't read out anything. She will feel humiliated and might even get silly that you said something. As long as she takes a hip bath or shower regularly, then she's doing adjectives she needs to do. It's freshly a fact of life span that females--at certain times of her menstrual cycle--will simply not smell good. If you basically can't take it anymore, don't breathe through your feeler when you're in that nouns!

Try this: Go shopping with her sometime--somewhere close to Wal Mart or a grocery store that sells feminine products. Don't product it obvious, but try to get hold of the two of you to walk down the fem. product aisle, or at smallest past it. Look surprised as you see the douches and sprays, etc. Act dumb if you hold to--"hey, I didn't know they made products for this..." Remember, this is your girlfriend, someone you love. You don't want to embarrass her. If she's not smelling so good right immediately I'm sure she already knows and already feel self-conscious enough. Hope this help.

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hmm, you could set up a romantic evening in the bathroom.
place some candles on the sink, and a small boque of flowers. most importantly, take a swab cloth get it drizzling and full of soap and leave it on boundary of the tub. Tell her to get within and you'll give are few minutes alone to find into the mood.

If she doesn't get it, after next time you Will enjoy to join her within the shower or bath, and bathe her, start with her stern to make it romantic next, wash her vulva, and inside the vagina.(mild soap)

hey, would you ask her mom to hold a talk next to her?

Fill in the Blank: You would rhythm me so badly within a high stakes poker activity that I would be running home ____?

You just hold to come out and say " Is that you ar own you had a fresh tuna surrounded by your lap"

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just utter this...hey your vagina smells like rotten cod..and i dont put away .can we eat out tonight..

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Well, to all those relatives who said use are morons! There is nothing more itchy than getting regular soap in your vagina. You need to any buy some special douches or things like that at the store, or only just wash it out near warm/hot water. Really the one and only way is to freshly tell her, or possibly buy some of these products and put them with some sort of tub & body set and say you considered necessary to pamper her.

What safer sex precautions do two monogamous, virgin, women call for to take? (take 2)?

Ask her how normally does she douche. Tell her that you're concerned about not getting some type of infection or anything. Tell her that you want her to douche more so she could do something on her part. And bring up to date her that you'll buy more condoms or something to do something on your part.

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