Does the birth control pill yaz relief clear up skin?



Only if your acne is hormone related. It balances out your hormones so your acne clears up. It your acne is from stress, cosmetics or anything else thats enviromental it wont clear it up.

Lactating? I am 43 yrs ancient, my youngest child is 23, I never breast fed.?

I'm not sure, I took it for a while and it didn't relief me at all, but it also didn't even aid regulate my cycle. I'm on ortho tri-cyclen and that works wonders for my skin-not one single zit.

Throat question?

yes, but it will also make available you serious depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, wicked mood swings, day by day migraines, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite. BCP's are pretty serious stuff, Yaz nearly kill me.

What do teenage (17 years old) women look for surrounded by a boyfriend?

what the *?

sorry, i was wrong 4 that.

i don't devise they do.

Does anybody just close to to lay down and relax all the time?

Definitely =] I steal Yaz and I love it... No side effects at all and its absolutely helped my skin. Its because it have an androgen blocking hormone in it (along with Yasmin) and thats why it works resourcefully to clear skin.

Pregnant or not?

It just depends on the personality who takes it. I have pretty awful face and body acne. I tried everything and finally took a very serious medication for it call accutane. It's one of the best things that ever happened to me. If you acne is not impossible than yazmin will probably work.

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