Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant at the call a halt of her cycle?


Ovarian cysts?

Yes, it's possible. Most women ovulate 12-16 days before their term and sperm can live in the reproductive tract for as long as 5 days below ideal (fertile/prefertile) conditions. Especially if she tend to have a short cycle, a woman could efficiently be into her fertile window formerly her period ends.

I found a lump contained by my breast?

It is possible for a women to get pregnant at any time of the month, time of year or not.

What and how do they do a mylogram?

No, women can only get hold of pregnat 10-16 days after her period, thats when she is ovulating. But still, you may want to be cautious.

Can you test your own HCG level?

You can get pregnant at any time of the month.

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