I just get my peroid and im to scared and embaresed to share her what should i do?


I'm 15 and I don't have my spell?

Whether it is your mom or dad they are well aware of what to do and how to help out you. Don't be embarrassed...you weren't flushed to tell us, millions of strangers.

Is Endo other associated with posterior pain?

tell who? mom? ..if so dont be its sooooooooooooo mundane

Has anyone heard of coat falling out while on Micronor?

your Mom is the best person to step to as she will help you obtain the proper fitting things to use

I'm going to the gyno what will they do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

who is "her?" are you talking more or less your mother? you shouldnt be embarrased to tell your mother, that's what they are here for.

What Causes Sore Nipples,If It Isnt From Pregnancy?

ok first make sure you any changed underwear and rapped some toilet daily around your undies. then in recent times go up to her and newly say similar to i need to chat to you privatly. then you can newly tell her

How roughly speaking KY message oil? or ky -warm jelly? is at hand any side effect on vagina?

to tell who? ably, whoever it is, if its a girl, dont be embarrased. every woman on earth go through it, so it's not like your not middle-of-the-road, don't be embarrased.

What can give you more Energy? Home remedies, pills, foods, etc.?

Too worried to tell whom? Your mom? Don't be flushed, it's something every girl has to live next to. Just get yourself a wipe or tampon, calm down a bit, and make clear to her.

What is it like have boobs?

tell her, she wont embarrass u

Is it true that u have to be 100lbs?

ur mom? purely tell her remember shes a feminine 2. she can help u beside everything, from pads to dealing beside the cramps..she will understand, she have the same inner health as u do.

About abuse?

you shouldn't be embarassed to let somebody know ur mom. i know i would be, but you must remember that she went through matching exact thing.
anyway, you should be proud!
you can enjoy a baby!

Ladies onlyi want help?

dont be panicky.
she will help you next to mostly everythingg
just chill. walk to your mom and be like, mom i enjoy my period, what do i stipulation?
like that[:

When should i start taking Birth control pills.?

you expect yer mom? yeah the same near me, i didnt wanna tell her it would be topo akward. but you kinda hafta do it. don't bring in a big deal out of it, a short time ago be like, "oh mom, by the opening, could you pick me up some pads or something" it should be embarrising because it happen to half of everyone

What are the trouble-free to use birth control things other than condoms.?

Dont verbs im still trying to figure out how to transmit my mum your going to have to put in the picture your mum she wont be mad most feasible happy everyone tell me that lol
Good luck xx

Did I swallow a rock?


If u get ur bellybutton pierced can u still do exercises approaching situps, crunches, ab lounge?

omg!! i would be scard 2 JUST SAY MOM I NEED 2 tell u something and afterwards tell her

What is wrong next to me?

your mom? awww its just blood. its soo middle-of-the-road dont worry. im sure shes going to so excited!

Period returning after birth of child?

oh man... that's the hardest thing to do...when i told my mom she rolled over surrounded by bed and told my sleeping step dad.:S

You don't have to communicate your mom verbally... you could exit a note contained by her pocket or purse and tell her you get your period. You could even transmit her how you feel going on for telling her surrounded by person and why you wrote the communication.
You could also go shopping beside your mom and place pads surrounded by the cart... when your mom might distinguish two.. she will get the air...

or you can come out and say I'm a woman immediately... lol thats what i told my mom and she got it right away...

How long can one possible turn without sleep?

Since you are infantile it IS embarrassing...I know, I be there in the past right where you are. As you grow up though you realize that it is a short time ago a normal member of your life, close to swallowing and breathing. There is absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of. Your mother have been expecting it to come about anyway. She has period...all females do. She will promising have everything you requirement in the cabinet. Welcome to womanhood sweetie.

Is it possible to verbs a muscle under your vanished breast?

there is nothing to be panicky or embaressed about. it is a mundane part of becoming a young at heart woman. who is "her"? i'm thinking it's your mom. trust me ; she is probably waiting for you to tell her when you receive it! it's a happy time usually, for a immature girl to know she has become a childlike lady. so budge ahead and tell "her" ; i'm sure you will be surprised! luvie

Where are you taking me on the first date?

i didnt wanna share my mom or sis but they eventually found out. soon you will find out that she will be the person u travel to for advice.

Females solitary!!?

dont worry jsut articulate "Ma, im gonna need you to pick up some pad for me i just get my first period.." they wont support they might be like comgrats ur a woman and rib you a little but lately take it surrounded by... ya know? dont let it bother you.. :) end in what do mothers not tease you going on for? its part of in attendance job hehehe in recent times dont be afraid it dosent make you diffrent its newly a bridge . dont wrry were here for you

(Girls only) flip flops?

This is the most unprocessed thing contained by the world to happen. There is no principle to be scared. I know it may be crushing to talk to "her" more or less but eventually you are going to have to. Every girl eventually go through it and I am sure she will be understanding. In reality my mom was a bit teary eyed when I told her (and yes I be scared and confused too) because Moms feel that their little girl is growing up. Just travel to her and ask her to come into your bedroom for a min so you can tell her something earth-shattering in private and permit her know. You could also start off by asking her some question about period or print off some information on period from the Internet and show it to her and tell her you hold questions and next tell her yours started. Here is a relationship on girls starting their periods - http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/grow/girls... I have a sneaking suspicion that things may go easier than you might expect once you start conversation to her and open up the lines of communication. You can e-mail me wager on if you have any more question that I can help you next to [email protected] Good luck hun.

What is the most affective women's deorderant out on the market for creamy sweating?

If you are embarrassed to relay your mom about you starting your extent, it’s normal. If you can’t give the impression of being to tell her contained by person, after try to write a note, keeping it simple resembling “mom, I got my period” and put it on her pillow or somewhere she’ll find it. Or, possibly you can go to the store next to her and toss a box of feminine pads into the shopping pushcart, and then she’ll probably ask “have you started your time of year?” and you can tell her. Just remember that every girl have to get her extent sooner or later, so don’t be anxious to tell her!
Hope this help,

Why do women in the gym never wipe their sweat of machines after working out?

Your mom have gone through it, so if you have a suitable relationship you can tell her, and she will relieve you.
OTOH, if you don't have a righteous relationship, here's what you do. Either wad up toilet composition and stick it in your pant, or if you have some money, stir to the store and get a box of sanitary napkins (pads). tampons pinch a little practice, so conceivably try them later. Periods are really middle-of-the-road, not really fun, but not usually horrid, either. Good luck.

Mmm. how do i word this? is it common to get dampen up your vagina when you go swimming?

Sam, I'm going to ASSUME you're speaking of your mother. Logically speaking, she is the best party to go to nearly this. On the other hand, at hand must be a reason why you quality as though you can't go to her. If you are TOO scared/embarrassed consequently speak to an aunt or older womanly family contestant.

My personal experience: When I told my mother, she told EVERYONE in the relations. In fact, when I go to her the night I started, she be on the phone with my Aunt. She puts my aunt on hold, dialogue to me for a bit and then go back to my aunt. "Sorry nearly that, that was a moment ago Elle, she started her period freshly now!" LOL.. it's funny very soon, but I was so ashamed vertebrae then.

When I have more questions roughly speaking it, like how to put on a wad, etc.. I called my other aunt and get help from her!

Good Luck!

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first five days after coitus.?

to tell who?

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