Very faint potion of positive procession on pregnancy test 2 hours after that.?

Hi all,

My husband and I have sex about 3 times near condoms and none of them broke. I track my cycle and know my fertile window. After my fertile pane closed my husband and I had sex 2 days following and he didn't pull out and we didn't use protection. I've started to exercise and pinch a diet pill. My sleep patterns enjoy been adjectives over the place. My periord started on the day it be supposed to but only last 1.5 days and was lighter than everyday. My period usually last 5-6 days and is heavy. It's be a week and my period hasn't started put a bet on up. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests 3 days apart and both come out negative. But when I looked at the examination I took today 2 HOURS after I had taken it, I could see a amazingly faint portion of the positive string. It was the lower forth of the row, not the whole entity and it was really giddy. I know the instructions say the examination is not valid after 10 minutes, but I'm worried. The line wasn't here in the first 10 minutes. Should I verbs? I'll retest soon.

Serious and real answers singular!i need assistance gurls!!?

The reason they read out to ignore doesn`t matter what lines do or dont show up after the first ten minutes, is because it is no longer acurate.
A pregnancy test works base on chemical reactions that go down when your urine and the hormones it contains react next to enzymes in the stick, creating perceptible dye (the lines) if you are pregnant..
These reactions take place within a few minutes. After ten minutes, reaction occur inside the stick causing the dye to be released, regaurdless of whether you are pregnant or not. So necessarily it can show a positive result even if you are not pregnant. It is NOT accurate. So dont worry.
You should be in motion to a GP and get a BLOOD try-out done to check for pregnancy...these test are route more accurate and will put your mind to rest. If possible, considering using additional contraception to ensure you dont gain so worrried in adjectives.
The more you stress, the later your term can be, so go see a doctor and relax!
Best of luck.

I get the impression like blah?

there's a cause why they tell you not to read it after a reliable time...take another try-out

Please help (girls one and only question)?

No don't worry. Like the try-out says after ten minutes it is not valid.

No period, whats going on?

Based on what you report in terms of your deeds, I would say you could be pregnant. But you'll know soon plenty!

What is the difference between a woman coming and a orgasm?

Wait 3 days, then lift another test.

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