
Is it normal not to ever do it?

I have sex immediately after my time stopped and my husband let run in me.?

Yes it is. It's a personal entity. Some people don't masterbate because it make them uncomfortable, because of religious reason, or they don't get pleasure from it.

Do birth control pills affect/decrease libido or sex drive?

It is commonplace to do it and it is normal not to do it, as far as women step. As for men, well in that are two types of men, those that do and those that lie and right to be heard they don't.


Normal is a relative term. We adjectives have different level of sex drive. To never do it is uncommon but far from impossible.

GIRLS ONLY interrogate! What is this ovulation?

It is perfectly typical not to. Men... well, they're a differant subject, but for women, some do and some dont. And its impeccably fine not too. You are perfectly majority not to do it.

How long do you think HRT is not detrimental to take?

in some cultures yes in others no. However personnally i wouldn't consent to a day travel by without gratifying oneself. i use the shower to have a virtuous cleaning of all pipes etc.,

Dark brown discharge?


Is there`s any channel that creates back the hymen which is already broken?

I don't see why not. It's a personal finding. Do it, or don't. It doesn't really make much difference. If you don't want to do it, don't do it.

Prayer Chain Needed Help Bathe BABY KALEB in CONTINUOUS PRAYER!?

it's totally a personal choice

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