Sobsobsob...i am amazingly doleful...anybody can help out me?

hi i am 18 from singapore.
i have notice fundamentally little gal frens of mine is hairy...only i yearning i can have a permanent spike removal...i know we should feel blessed and appreaciate of what we have and who we are.But the reality that i saw many gals who isnt as hairy as me engender me feel inferior and low confidence.even some guys are not that hairy so is pretty hard to accept.

And surrounded by Singapore sometimes when the weather is hot,most ppl will wana wear shorts and sleeveless...but my back and legs got hair which who will wanna expose? It's does very affecting admit it or not...=( haix...

I enjoy no idea who i could turn to... My parents are definately not rich so obviously they will explain to me not to be too particular about if i wanna laser treatment, i will own to wait till i am old and adequate money and by then guess what?i dun think my looks matter anymore with that kinda of age liao.
And even i wanna go to see doctor abt it or move about for laser,i have nobody to ask along wif=(

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have you considered shaving your legs? not something i would reccommend for your arms...

its awfully popular in the states, but im not sure about nearby. its worth a shot! some people even shave their backs, when they own excessive hair. i sincerely doubt you need to. is it enormously fine, about clear hair? everyone have it- but you have to be like, two inches away to see it. not a soul is going to get that close! dont worry give or take a few it, go out and dress how you want. don't care nearly what other people say. humiliate them, the people who matter dont mind, and those race that mind?don't matter. ;-)


oh i know how you must feel... but adjectives women have hair on their legs, they a moment ago get rid of it by shaving or waxing, I don`t know you could get someone to do that for you on your back... i am unkempt too, but i am a guy so i guess its not so bad...

its a tough situation your in, i can merely suggest cheaper hair removal untill you can afforf permanent soloutions

What take away monthly cramps?

wax is the best. your growth will reduce a lot near time. find a cheap parlour.

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join a circus and all the attention will be on you

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What a heartbreaking story, I preference I could help you, but there's no chance of that.

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ummmm... could u repeat the interview?

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ok. perhaps you may try these 2 methods:

1. Waxing.
2. Shaving.

If I were you, I'll choose WAXING. Shaving is ok and outstandingly affordable but the consequences is you have to constantly shave it because it will start grow again, though tiny hair, surrounded by just a couple of days. The more you shave, the hair will become coarser and thicker than earlier So go for waxing. Most of the allure parlour in Singapore has this service. It's single a matter of pricing and professionalism.

Hope my answer helps..

P/S: By the road, I'm a Malaysian but working oversea. I'll be going over to Singapore middle of next month but why even the budget hotel in Singapore SO SO expensive. For that price tag, I can stay in a 4 star hotel in JB.

Birth Control ask::?

look on the internet for a coat removal clinic in your home city.
You can ask a pharmacist or chemist for some wax strips to wax yourself. Or you can see a beauty consultant if there is any where you live ( merely ask them in conversation). You could just buy some razor and shaving cream from the supermarket and learn to shave yourself. Or you could ask your friends how they are not so hairy as you?
You'll be ok itll be alright within the end.

Ladies sustain plz plz plz plz :(?

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Er look in. back!?
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