Last week i started my period surrounded by my boyfriends bed what do i do?


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Say excuse me, grasp some tissues he has by the bed (or better have) and guide to the bathroom. If you don't have the usual feminie hygeine stuff near you, fold some tiolet paper into a wad and head to the store.
Wash the sheets surrounded by cold water contained by bleach.
If he is freaked out, he needs to grow up, if you enjoy known respectively other long enough to be surrounded by is bed, he has to know this is simply a part of existence.
IF he is really smart, he will make a mental minute on his calender and avoid the situation next month.

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clean up his bed and tell him how sorry you are consequently also show him how you will make it up to him.

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nothing, just revise to deal next to it, he can use resolve carpet cleaner or cold sea and hydrogen peroxide on his sheets and mattress.

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ok, so its be a week and he hasn't noticed his bed is coverd surrounded by......period stains?? Its a reality of life dear, it happen to everybody. If he cant accept the reality that you are a woman and you have a woman's body, after he isn't ready for a relationship......enthusiasm....

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It's duration, these things happen, he can achieve over it. He probably squirts plenty of his own bodily fluids in his bed, whats rather more?

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well if he is truly your boyfriend he should be capable of understand that it happen and isnt sumthing that could be avoided... and he should be glad it happend cause if it didnt you 2 would be within quite a pickle.. ;-)

p.s use protection..

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this be a week ago? and you're still worried about it? i anticipate, if he's your bf he really shouldnt happen. if you apologized already, there is nought left to do.

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he jus requests 2 get over it

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a week later is a long time since asking. apologize to him if you made a mess and buy him new sheets if you stained them. it's a ordinary event, so keep some tampons at his house for emergency.

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What's the question?Are you still lay in his bed?What did you do?

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