Brown/black spotting?

i have be spotting for about a week in a minute, what is it from or what does it mean?

Long vagina?

I am assuming you are speaking more or less your menstruation cycle.
However more information is needed. Are you between cycles, is it your first one?

Some periods are dark then others, especially contained by the end.

Signs of Period?

depend on what constituent of your skin...

that one i know is on your face... that plan you should stay out of the sun or bring something to proctect you from the sun

Why does my vagina hurt? proposal I can give you is walk see a gynocologist. Doesn't seem somthing to be to worried in the order of, but still I'd see one.

How should I switch my birth control from a POP to a Combination Pill (Yasmin)?

A lot of things can cause prolonged period and spotting. Are you sexually active? Maybe you're pregnant or miscarrying.
You may own ovarian cysts (not too serious, don't worry), or you may just enjoy an infection. Brown or black discharge probably just finances that it is old blood vanished over from that long period, so don't verbs too much about the color.

I really have an idea that it would be a good notion to see your doctor for a check up.

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