Prayer Chain Needed... Help Bathe BABY KALEB in CONTINUOUS PRAYER!?

More postings for Baby Kaleb... Kaleb is a 6 month old boy who have been surrounded by the PICU for a month unresponsive due to a caregiver shaking him. His condition is worsening. Please help to provide him near continuous prayer!

Ask God to bathe Kaleb contained by his mercy and grace, to hold this little boy as his body fights, to place His appendage on Kaleb's head, to relay him to wake and look into his mommy and daddy's eyes once again. God can do anything, we of late all obligation to keep asking.

Thank you!

To Get more info on Kaleb & his kith and kin:

His Mothers Page:

Help site:


Love Handels?

He and his family will be surrounded by my prayers, for sure!!

I dont really know what else to say..except to trust within God!.. He will do what He needs to, to serve His child.

(And know, all children jump to Heaven.. So even if it looks like God forgot roughly speaking Kaleb...He hasnt...)

My mom has breasts and so do the rest of the females and I don't, What's up with that?

Bless you and the babe..I will Pray!

I'm confussed i wanna know whick one is better? (birth control pills, shot, or patch)?


Will my period stop as soon as i start taking birth control pills?


How do you wear pad with wing?

My prayers are with Baby Kaleb and his relatives. With God, anything is possible. Just keep praying and God will provide. Have expectation, and never give up. Pray lacking ceasing. God Bless!


A pimple effective inner thigh - chronic?

This precious child will be healed.let believe it in Jesus given name!

HELP confussed VERY irregular period!!!?


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