GIRLS ONLY cross-examine! What is this ovulation?

Is this just when I own my period or similar to a white discharge? Please explain. thanks you!

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Every month, one of your two ovaries will create an ovum or egg. At about the mid-point of your cycle, the egg will be released and will travel down the fallopian tube. If it meet with sperm at this point, it will become fertilized & verbs the journey, burrow into the inside layer of the uterus and in almost 9 months you have a brand bright baby.

Your menstrual length is the event that occurs if the egg is not fertilized. The facing the egg would have implanted surrounded by is shed and the whole cycle starts adjectives over again.

The white discharge serves three basic purposes. 1) it is near to cleanse the vagina; 2) it is there to facility penetration and aid surrounded by lubrication during intercourse; 3) it is there surrounded by more copious quantities around mid-month to aid surrounded by the protection of sperm so they have a better providence of fertilizing the ovum.

What does that mean when here is a yellowish fluid viginal discharge and there is a conveyance in smell?

I believe it is the time when your egg drops and you can bring pregnaunt.

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its when the bright egg comes out and when your at ur highest point for getting pregnant.
gotta love sex ed right?

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Ovulation is about a week or so until that time your period. When your ovary produces eggs. (also your most fertile time when you can take pregnant).
You should not have any discharge, white or otherwise except for when you hold your period. If you do, you could hold some sort of infection, either simple resembling yeast infection or STD.

Period length?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ovulation is the process in the menstrual cycle by which a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum (also particular as an oocyte, female gamete, or imperturbably, an egg) that participates within reproduction. Ovulation also occurs within the estrous cycle of other animals, which differs in various fundamental ways from the menstrual cycle.

My ob/gyn told me that my uterus was tilted what does the aim?

Sorry, I'm not a girl, but I do know enough roughly speaking Ovulation to answer your question, so I will anyway.

Ovulation occur when a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the fallopian tube, and is available to be fertilized. The facing of the uterus has thicken to prepare for a fertilized egg.

If you do not get pregnant, the uterine inside layer and egg, as well as blood, will be shed. This is what menstruation (your period) is.

Hope this help!

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ok you could have a white discharge as a sign your first extent is coming and this white discharge helps to verbs your vagina but if you already have your length after your period have ended you find an clear discharge( NOT white discharge) well you count 14 days in the past your next term also you can count the 14th day after your length ended(example:you started on the 1st your period concluded on the 7th and you ovulated on the 14th day which is 7 days after the 7th i know confusing)and ovulation resources when you have finished you length cause when you enjoy your period thats if truth be told blood shedding out of your uterus after your period or shedding of blood that 14 daytime that's when an egg travels out of its place where its kept which are call ovaries then it travels (this egg article only happen once a month once you when got your period)then it travels to the uterus while the egg is near if a mans sperm reach the egg that's called fertilization which after means you are pregnant but if a man sperm doesn't reach the egg next the egg dies but fertilization happens solely when a woman and man have sex and if the man is not wearing a condom and sperm get into your vagina that's the only road how your egg gets fertilized THIS WHOLE PROCESS OF PERIODS ,OVULATION.,UTERUS AND OVARIES IS JUST HELPING YOU TO GT PREGNANT AND TO BECOME A WOMAN

P:hope i help enough i f you needed to learn more read this it will sustain you to understand more better

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