How can I convince my mom to consent to me shave?

I'm 12 and I am hairy on my legs but the hair are blonde. I want to shave them off because they are so annoying and gross and they engender it so much hotter when I'm outside. I keep on asking my mom but whenever I bring it up she any goes " You don't want to shave your legs! Be free! you're immature enjoy it!" or change the subject.
Do you have any "surefire" ways to bring her to let me?

Thanks contained by advance!

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I was 12 when I first started shaving my legs. It be kinda sad how I first started though, a girl have made fun of me in institution and I had come home crying. If I could do it over, I would sit down near your mom, tell her that you touch old adequate to shave your legs, you still appreciate being young at heart, but there are things you want to vary about yourself. And not basically for vanity reason, but for comfort reasons as powerfully. Best of luck!

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Tell her its embarassing and it would really breed you feel better give or take a few yourself if you do. I hated when i have hairy legs and it be the best when i was finally allowed to shave. I would never speak about anyone to "enjoy it" because i sure didnt. Keep trying!

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try explaining to her why you want to shave them if you havent aready. not a hundred percent tell you what i said...i said "mom i hold to wear a skirt tomorrow for school and my legs are really can i shave them?" and she said yes. if she doesnt consent to you tell her that near are other things other than razor like nair. which you put that on your legs and it is resembling lotion. hope i helped you. suitable luck

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My mums exactly alike. But I still shave.. hehe.
Tell her they make you discern uncomfortable.

Good luck! x

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Tell her all your friends do and that the hair are really annoying you. Or just do it anyway! Explain to her that they trademark you hot, dont beg her though! It could fashion it worse.

Remember though, once you start you have to convey on as they will grow back prickly and more explicit.

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tell her its embarassing and you be aware of very humiliated cuz people screech at u and make fun of u

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Tell her that you are frail enough! When I feel that I needed to start shaving, I just walk up to the drugstore and bought a razor myself and begin to shave, I never even talked to my mom. Just start to shave on your own, you shouldn't inevitability permission for such a article.

New Nausea?

Good Day
Go buy some men's hair die for mustaches.. put it on your legs see what she will read aloud then.. sorry I am within a funny mood better for me to get stale then bestow ill counsel..
Ask her if I am free then I want to cost you... Please move about buy me a razor, veet,Nair, something to carry off this mane.. Because the only free I want is Hair Free


that is a mediocre? Just get a cut-throat or nick one of ya dads and do it yaself if she asks after just say-so you was to hot? I bet she embarreses you an adjectives dont worry! You will acquire there trust me! And save just do it yaself!!
Gud luck

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WAIT, STOP read this.. skulk until your hairs grow course and obscurity (not when the are blonde) because that is the right time to shave but honest luck!

Dose not crack?

wow are u kidding and your 12
your mom is wierd convey her its emberassing and you whant to shave your legs whether she likes it or not!
and if she dosent want you 2 shave report to her to buy u nair or something good luck:D

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