I'm turning another year elder and I'm not handling it well. Any direction?


Brown discharge?

Well how old will you be? Whatever it is remember that age is a moment ago a number. Your life is base on what you do and not how old you are.

How normally do you?

Don't stress over it. It is more about how mature you feel.

Whats that smell? girls solitary plz?

I can totally relate. I hate birthdays! It in recent times reminds me I'm getting older. You can do close to I do...just falsehood. I've lied so much about my age...I normally forget how old I REALLY AM! ;) Happy birthday.

For anyone who have had an IUD and have had it removed.?

There are different ways of determining age. Some countries count from the year you are born as being year 1 and after you live that full year, which might even make you get the impression older. So, the simply way you can have a feeling better about age is to digit out what it is that makes you touch older, do business with it and next put age out of your mind forever. Could you feel down because everyone around you remembers your birthday, help you celebrate it and continuously reminds you? Then notify them you don't do age anymore. Age is just a number. Going wager on to school to swot up new things should brighten your time.


Well you didn't mention your age but I am turning 40 next year and haven't have any issues with age even so.
I have have a great life so far and don't really dwell on things not practised yet. I whip care of myself and munch through right, I want to live a long healthy go so I can accomplish those things still on my to do list. You dissipate time thinking of a number...how old do you have a feeling? What do you see when you look in the mirror? Stop trying to Handle it and live time.regretting the life you enjoy lead is close to hating who you are. Everything in your time as lead to what you are today..be proud and jump out and live!

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Trade with me! :) I'm 21 and I'd love to be older--- you enjoy so much more experience and widsom than people my age. Honestly, youth is overrated. Our culture is stuck with it!

Take some time to make official your growing number of years. Your gray hairs are a crown. Appreciate every minute that you hold instead of worrying about getting older-- aging and disappearance are inevitable. We have to product the most of the time we have! That's adjectives we can do. Take a road trip or pick up a new hobby.

Go cheer you! :D

My wife refuses to see a doctor due to have no sex drive? What can I give her w/o a prescription?

Just remember the alternative--looking at the grass from the dirty side where on earth the white roots are, instead of the pretty green top side!

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