Why does it hurt after I own sex?

I just lost my virginity like 4 1/2 months ago to my boyfriend. Well every time we enjoy sex, my vagina kinda hurts right after we're done. I don't know. It's hard to explain. I always pee after we own sex because I've heard that peeing can reduce your fortune of getting a UTI (I've never had one). But, when I pee, it doesn't really burn, but feels different. Like irritated or something. Is this majority? It only happens when I pee right after have sex. If I pee like an hour later, it feel normal. And the pain surrounded by my vagina only hurts for a few minutes (15 tops) after sex. Is this normal? I'm really terrified about STD's and stuff, but does it sound close to one? My boyfriend told me he was tested and was unenthusiastic for everything, but both of us are going to go get tested together when we win paid next a short time ago to be sure. But, does it sound like an infection or disease, or is this completely common. Like I said before, my vagina only hurts (like aches) for around 15 minutes after sex and then just go away, and it feels weird when I pee right after doing it. Sometimes we use lubrication, but I still grain the same. Could my vagina hurt because of when he puts it in? Is it possible that I'm still kinda tight and it hurts when he tries to thrust it within? Sorry this is TMI, but I just want to give as tons details as possible. Any help is appreciated! :)

Answers:    Probably no big deal. When first getting started the vagina muscles stay contracted as if to alarm away the penis. After years of intercourse and babies the vagina becomes like a giant crevice somewhat resembling the Grand Canyon. Enjoy it while you are young. It may hurt now but years following you will writing saying you cant feel it. .
You are still bright to this kind of situation. What kind of sex are you have? In other words, is he being gentle and sensitive to your requests? This can be helpful in reducing discomfort. You may still maybe tense during these encounter with you S.O. so try to relax and get him to do matching. Go slow and enjoy! Read everything about first time sex, safer sex, STDs and more within http://www.menstrual-cycle.info
Be Healthy and Happy! .
its normal.

You have to remember that a member of your body is being invaded. So naturally it will be self-conscious and a little painful.
It's majority! Please, stop worrying so much. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable when you are doing it with the one you love. You are spanking new to it, so you're probably not used to it and you are tensing your vaginal muscles even when you don't think you are. RELAX! Lubrication help too, so make sure to use a lot of it! And no, it doesn't nouns like an STD or infection. You are fine. Relax and enjoy sex! :) If you’re experiencing cramp during or after sex there may be several factors that are contributing to the backache you feel. For women there are various physical conditions that may make sex hurt, including:

* Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
* Endometriosis
* Ovarian cysts
* Interstitial cystitis
* Vaginismus
* Vulvodynia
* Some sexually transmitted diseases
* Urinary infections
* Yeast infections
* Vaginal dryness
* Physical injury and chronic pain

I would recommend that if you experience discomfort during or after sex that you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation and to rule out any serious causes.

Good luck :)

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