When should a girl start wearing a bra?year I close-fisted?


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When you feel comfortable to put on one. You can wear a bra because your boobs shake too much or because some shirts are see through. Instead of asking us, why don't you reflect yourself about this? There is no proper age to put on a bra.

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It really isn't an age thing, it's a puberty item. When she is developed enough that it shows through her shirt or she is dismayed because of it.

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When she starts growing breasts.. There is no set time.. When she starts growing breasts, she should start in a trainer bra.. then move about from there as her breasts grow.

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When her breasts are big adequate to fit into one. Girls usually get one too untimely but whenever a girl gets self consious in the region of her chest and wants to support it. It really depends on the girl as everyone develops at a different rate.

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Well my little girl is 10 and she is starting to show rather bit, so over the next couple of months, I will probably hold to take her shopping for one. Yikes!

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um when you need a bra similar to i dont know when you start puberty

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theres no time when a girl should start wearing a bra...she should start wearing a bra when she is developing, when her breasts are starting to show.

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about when puberty starts...so it depends on the person.

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in 2008

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Age isn't the factor, nouns is. As soon as she needs one, no issue what age. Before one is really needed (i.e. training bras as they were call when I was young) it make no sense.

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I think I started surrounded by the 5th or 6th grade. It adjectives depends on how fast you're developing. You may entail to start sooner if your breasts are already developing though.

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That's up to the girl and her mother. They should have a sermon about it whenever any one feels that it is time. It is essential that if a girl feels discomfited and wants to try a bra, that her mother listen and be responsive. I don't know what the "average" age of girls starting to wear a bra is, but here is no "right" age.

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it depends on when she starts have a figure..

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When she has already developed her breast and that they can clearly be see from the clothes she wears.And also when she feel comfortable enough to wear one.

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I agree with most of the other answers. I know I started wearing one when I be like 8 or 9. Not long after that the term came along.

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I reason this is a personal choice between the girl and her parents. I don't think at hand is an appropriate year, it really depends on how the girl is maturing physically and emotionally. If your daughter NEEDS a bra, please buy it for her. But if she doesn't need it but requirements to get used to one, or she is at the age where on earth the other girls are wearing them, buying her a training bra is not a bad concept. I started at 11 with a training bra, but at age 12 in that year I needed a authentic bra as I grew to a C cup. it pains me to see girls who are unfortunately plump or who are well endowed at a young-looking age but are not given appropriate apparel.

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there is no exact age to start, it depends when you start developing or when you feel approaching you need to be wearing one. stir with what make you feel comfortable

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There's no set year. It's based on when she wants one - when there is something in attendance that needs supporting. It can oscillate from girl to girl.

I started wearing bras at 11.

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even if u have no boobs start wearing a bra at approaching in 5 class b/c i am in 7th and we are resembling why do the 6th gradeers still not wear bras even if they are flat

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When you start getting boobs ;]

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13- 14

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