How can I delay my term?

Taking the pill is not an option seing as I'm 13. I enjoy a tennis tournament with this girl I REALLY wanna pulsate (up) and I do want it to be bloody, but not THAT much, if you know what I mean. I get my period for the first time on January ultimate year, so it has on the other hand to straighten itself out. I don't want it to start until about Monday. Any suggestions?

Why am i itchy down here?

nope at your age you may have irregular cycles but within is no way to prevent your length form comng, unless you are taking birth control pills

Period for 3 days?

You are totally weird.

Womans drip request for information?

you can go the doctor and influence that you want to delay it. Theres a tablet, I'm not sure what its call but you take it 3 times a morning, about 3 days past your due on your period, and throughout the time you want it to be delayed for. Then when you stop taking it, your time will come a few days after. i know this because i used to take it when i go on holiday. not sure what its called though, but its not the pill so dont verbs.

What are some natural remedies(like herbs) that will relief for depression before your term?

There is nothing that you could do. Are you okay, mentally? You don't give the impression of being it. If I were you, I'd be more concerned going on for getting psychological help, as unwilling gynecological.

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