Bleeding after sex?

I've had sex relatively a few times before, but two days ago i have really rough sex without a condom. I've started bleeding for a moment bit now, and it really hurt after we'd have sex. Also all my bones arround my vagina quality brused, including at the top of me legs..
Is there something wrong near me?
(also, i am on the pill and no where implicit my free week so the blood can't be my period)

What do you know about the feminine orgasm?

go and go and get checked out at a clinic to make sure you havent get a pelvic infection. good luck.

Camping near ibuprofen?

You want to go unforced on the rough sex I'd say.
See a doctor, and dont see that bloke again!

I moved out out some info in my last query.?

visit a doctor

Need answers asap?

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Nothing at all, sounds well-mannered to me.

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spread your legs wider

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You can be "ripped" plain during sex. Since you had such rough sex this may be the bag. If it doesn't stop bleeding you should go to your doctor or the E.R. B/C within some instances you will need a few stitches.

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Oh my god cirl i have the EXACT same symptoms that could anticipate he is too big bacause my is a beast, but i enjoy the EXACT same problem this week, i am just gonna go to the doc, because i dont FEEL that its from sex I sort of feel like an infection of some sort, who know. I hope he didnt burn you, girlfriend.

Girls and sex?

Rough sex?
Have a nice long hot bath, if you still really sore surrounded by a couple of days see your doctor.
If you are too embarraesd to see someone you could always ring nhs direct for suggestion : 0845 4647. They are open 24/7

I want to wear tampons but every time I try to insert one I quality nauseous and dizzy.why?

What do you expect. Dont own rough sex then if it hurts. Sex is ment to be enjoy not painful. If you dont stop bleeding see a doc but you should alleviate.

Hmm help conceivably i think?

uhh..that's so horrible!
get infection probably?

Female hair problem.Men do not read unless you want to be grossed out.?

there is nil wrong with u but u might hold done in wrong postures.u can read any sex booklet regarding different sex positions and choose an applicable is since indulging in it please try to know about possible methods of doing it pleasant

What are sighs of a yeast infection?

Yeah see a doctor xP

My girlfriend want to shave her genital nouns, is there any impair in this?

i've have a few sessions like that, its nought to worry nearly, its just slight bruising from the thrusting. it'll stop in a few days.

Man boobs?

go 2 ur dr very soon, it could be something serious or nothing

What is the adjectives name of the condition particular by docters as cutis ansirin?

had rough sex

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Why do I bleed after sex?


I have sex for the first time one week ago.

It was fairly rough and unprotected and I seem to hold torn the bottom of my vagina. It hurts when I go to the toilet (in the form of burning, which take my breath away).

I know I have get to see a doctor, but I need some reassurance.


It sounds as if you hold damaged the pool liner of the vagina – this will usually heal adjectives by itself.

Do you mean that you own burning when you pee?

If that is so, you might also enjoy what used to be called honeymoon cystitis – which is a bladder infection adjectives after first sexual intercourse.

So, yes, you had best be in motion and see your GP and get that checked.

The slit though should get better adjectives by itself – at most your doctor will just suggest a cream for that. I own another suggestion too – get Staphysagria from the local pharmacy – it's a homeopathic tablets – get a 30c strength and suck one twice each day for a week – this'll help speed the repair and is completely undamaging. We use it to help restore to health tears at the time of childbirth too.

You should think nearly protection? It's the only passageway to avoid infections.

Yours sincerely

Dr Bob Leckridge, GP

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