Hmm minister to maybe i give attention to?

alright so I have be getting excessively dizzy and light head and my head hurts a great in recent times about everyday i purely feel close to the rooms slightly spinning and i can't focus and just kinda "zone out"
i'm 16 and it's be happening for a couple months very soon and no i don't do drugs and no i have never tried anything drug related
and adjectives i have be taking is some advil every now and next...
is this doctor worthy?
i mean since summer's started i guess i've be skipping breakfast and sleeping more and staying up late? so is that it? it's really bothering my boyfriend because i'm constantly getting muted headed and dizzy and this happen during school too so i guess it's not the arts school thing so perchance not breakfast? gaah i don't know...please help me?

I get the impression faint and enjoy extreme nausea, and actually wobbly before my time. Whats wrong? Any one else?

let's walk slow you wear glasses? Do you own any infected teeth (sometimes you can without knowing), are you drinking plenty fluids, and are you eating right. Were you taking advil ever, past the symptoms started? If you already have a low blood pressure, advil can mess beside it and drop it to the point of dizziness. Check out all of the above and homily with your doc! Good Luck.

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This could be a symptom of a serious illness. I would not um and ah to go to the doctor. If you enjoy a family doctor that you trust, grasp them to run bloodwork and refer you to a specialist.

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Blood preasure?

I don't eat much at adjectives really, and I feel freshly fine, so it could be the no breakfast thing, but probably not...I do return with super dizzy and lightheaded from spending too much time out in the sun and heat though. When I come surrounded by from laying out contained by the sun for just 20 minutes even, everything go black for a few seconds and afterwards i can hardly hear and i perceive like im going to attain sick. Maybe its from being out within the sun.

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