What are sighs of a yeast infection?

Stupid nasty dirty condition class.............yea i have to write the sighns so can you similar to tell me please.cuz im not something like to ask my mom

Ummm. gurls/women i guess guys can give design?

Symptoms of yeast infection include itching, burning, redness, and irritation of the vaginal nouns. Severe yeast infections may cause swelling of the vulva and in some cases women experience tight and/or frequent urination which is caused by inflammation of the urinary gap.

Excessive vaginal discharge which is thicker than normal, appears whiter and curd-like (almost like cottage cheese) will be adjectives in women experiencing vaginal yeast infections.

Sexual intercourse may be tender due to the inflammation and dryness of the vaginal discharge.

Here's How to prevent yeast infections:
Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. Never wear panty hose alone -- other wear cotton panties underneath.
Never use petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Always use water-based lubricants when vaginal dryness is an issue.
Always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to prevent the yeast which as a rule inhabits the intestinal tract from being transferred to the vaginal nouns.
Eating one cup of yogurt a day help some women prevent the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment; however, intake yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.
Don't use perfumed hip bath products or powders in the vaginal nouns, these can cause irritations which can front to infection.
Don't use douches! Douches wash away the inbred protective mucous of the vagina leaving the vagina more susceptible to yeast and other vaginal infections.
Before you find a yeast infection decide if you prefer prescription or over-the counter (OTC) treatment.
At the first sign of yeast infection ring your physician for prescribed medication, or go to your pharmacy to buy one of the FDA approved products that are available OTC.
Never self-treat a yeast infection unless you hold previously been diagnosed for a yeast infection by a healthcare professional.
Always phone call a healthcare professional for diagnosis if you are not sure a subsequent infection is yeast. Other vaginal infections or STDs may have similar symptoms.

Can honey assistance a yeast infection?

red, itchy, cooch smells like beer

Depo Provera?

the crud-- discharge, curd looking. AND ITCH, ITCH, ITCH, ITCH

Ok,soo i hold a yeast infectioni have this cream.but wen i put it on,it burnsis it supposed 2 burn?

I get voted best answer on this a million years ago, so I'm just pasting it in. An added register, you can possibly prevent them by keeping the area dry- taking stale wet swimsuits, workout wear, underwear after sex, etc. Another added transcribe: you need to go and get a better relationship goin with ole mom.
The solitary sure sign is that itch that you never have feel before> It's an "Oh, so THIS is a yeast infection!" itch. You feel close to you want to get down and scoot across the runner. That's a yeastie!
You can get monistat1 which works contained by one day, but if you hold a tenacious one, it may take more than one dose. Same go with the Diflucan- it mostly works unless you've got a bleak one. Seems like once you catch a yeastie, they seem to want to come posterior every now and next.
Get an Rx for Diflucan with every antibiotic a short time ago in case=one trip to the pharmacy. This is sometimes difficult to remember to request (demand) since if you're getting an antibiotic you're sick w/something else and not thinking yeast infection.
Sometimes you can grain a yeastie coming on and head it sour with tampons soaked contained by plain yogurt. This is not as gross as it sounds and they are actually soothing b/c they are cold. It's also pious if you eat yogurt a few times a week as a standard practice. I've found that it really does help.
Lastly, you should save some cream (monitstat or whatever) on hand surrounded by case you acquire one and can't make it to the store formerly getting a fork out of the utensil drawer. It works to kill the external itch.
(I enjoy never had discharge, but a severe severe severe itch is a unresponsive giveaway.)

I asked this Q 2hrs ago but can't sleep so if anyone else could answ?

Truthfully, 98% of the time the condition is better known as a yeast over growth, a bit than an infection. But this IFYI, not what your school is wanting to hear .

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