Why am i so depreesed all the time?

i feel upset adjectives the time and i get an attitude near everyone. WHY? i fel like a unbroken different person immediately i used to be more frienddlyer more talkative more alive. in a minute i feel approaching iam a BIT** all the time i even carry an attitude with my parents i dont know why i can be jovial one minute and get upset the subsequent second. what can i do i need assistance
please dont say dance to a doctor i cant afford that i just obligation sugestions to do something about it to delight in life and be delighted and not have an attitude everyday. what can i do please tolerate me know.
i need sparkle something that will boost me up.


Constant tiredness?

I have the exact same eproblem...and I'm not gonna recount you to see a doctor or counceler because they could ethier make you more frustrated or a short time ago plain confused and not get you anywhere. You could most likley be streesed over something close to school or friends or doesn`t matter what has be going on or maybe if your not stressed your only bored and you are getting annoyed with everyone and everything around you. Just try to look at it in a different point of spectacle. Look more into why you are getting mad for no explanation. Is there something that happen awhile ago and its bothering you now? Or is something going on that you can't control and it make you feel helpless. and if you still can't find what the problem is next maybe you requirement to find something that will control your anger like oh idk relaxing music or extreame music to go and get everything out or a new hobby or even time away from everything to of late chilax. :]]

Could i have Vaginismus??

eat dove candy

Swallon tummyneed comfort ASAP?

Perhaps evaluate what foods you are eating. I know it sounds stupid, but there really are "upright mood foods" and maybe you only aren't eating plenty of them!

Good luck!

Is it normal to not want to be touched by ur boyfriend when u are on ur spell?

Depending on how old you are, it could be that you're entering menopause, or that you've simply got some changeable spike in your hormones that are throwing you out of match. Trust me, I'm a guy and that happens even to me sometimes. It's majority for your mood to change swiftly, for both sexes, especially and almost solely during puberty, which can easily g on from 10 to even 30 years feeble. Try getting more sleep and keeping active during the daytime with homework and stuff. It doesn't enjoy to be physical. JUST DO SOMETHING.

What does it mean wheni bleed out of my Vaigsan?

It can be several things. It could be hormones or your thyroid.

The just way to fix it and be elated is to see a doctor to fix the problem. There are medical clinics around for people who cannot afford the doctor.
Go right away. It could be serious.

Painful Sex?

drink russian tea, its made next to tang,ice tea, and cloves its terribly good!! steam it up for like 30 secounds...it relaxes me!! if you dont resembling tea dont worry it take kinda like oj thats heat up... exercise is great also, go outside acquire some fresh air, give somebody a lift up a new hobby, newly keep yourself busy

Having your spell duringa surgery?

Its impossible to say why you are depresed adjectives of the time.

Up an down emotions sounds resembling a possible bi-polar disorder.

You really need to see a doctor to attain evaluated. Your state or county certainly provides lend a hand for people who cannot afford a doctor. Find out because I doubt if here's anything you can do without knowing the result in. You need to treat the end in!

Not being competent to take keeping of yourself and see a doctor can be very depressing in itself.

Taking proper diligence of yourself is very major if you want to feel better.

I started my term on the 13th of januray its now the 16th of feburay and it still hasnt come! whats wrong?

Depression is a completely pure response. It is basically your sub-concious describing you that you have issues that entail to be dealt next to.

Whether it was stuff that happen in your childhood or more just this minute, you need to articulate someone, preferably a stranger. Talking to friends and family does not work! they are completely biased, you and them are too afraid to be completely honest.

Take it slow, a daytime at a time, there is no miracle cure, the first step is admit that you have a problem. Counselling shouldn't be see as a taboo. If you break your leg you go to the doctor, your brain is a cut of your body too!

remember, the only opening is up,
Good luck!

What is the right way for me ?

i lift it you are a teen? me too, and I get those morale often. I meditate it may be relative to the age, but the things I do that make me grain better are:
exercise (mostly walking and hiking w/my head phones)
ingestion a healthy oil lamp snack( sometimes you are just hungry)
spending some alone time( you involve to take more time to yourself to stop and believe, then it is easier to operate with people)

What happen when after u have sex classified ad you dont remmeber if he busted in you and u pee blood n it hurts?

If you own had sex, you could be pregnant.
I touch the excat same way you do.

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